Click here to submit details of environmental work that is not included in the current database.
This section includes a georeferenced database of palaeoenvironmental remains retrieved during archaeological investigations in the East Midlands. The current database was constructed by Samantha Stein, in consultation with Angela Monckton, and has been updated by Tina Roushannafas and Victoria Owen. It builds upon the list of sites that was compiled by Angela Monckton for the Environmental Gazetteer which underpinned the environmental synthesis she contributed to the regional overview that was published in 2006.
This new resource is available here as an Excel spreadsheet that can be updated as new environmental data are recovered. We encourage users to submit details of new finds via an online spreadsheet that we have prepared and to inform us of additions or amendments to the existing data by contacting the project team at
The database records, by period, different categories of palaeoenvironmental evidence retrieved during archaeological excavations and other intrusive work, together with relevant published or unpublished reports. Details are also provided of site type, dating evidence, specialist notes and Historic Environment Record (HER) and OASIS numbers. The data can be queried using the filter buttons (visible as grey arrows) at the top of the column headings. For example, the data may be sorted to display only sites from which pollen was recovered or, alternatively, only Neolithic sites from which pollen was recovered.
To view the data in a georeferenced format by using a Geographical Information System (GIS), save the master Excel file or one of the methodological tabs as a .CSV file and open as a .CSV file in GIS; choose the Easting and Northing columns and then open in a GIS using the British National Grid.
Content of RC data
The East Midlands, showing sites that are currently recorded in the environmental database (© Crown copyright and database right 2017). Click on the image for full size.
Click here to download the current version of the Environmental Database.
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