Regional Overview

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The county overviews and Environmental Gazetteer referred to in the preceding section provided the foundation for a series of regional period syntheses and an overview of environmental evidence which form the main substance of this section. These were edited by Nick Cooper and published by the University of Leicester in 2006 under the title of The Archaeology of the East Midlands. Neither the county overviews nor the regional synthesis have been revised subsequently, but the latter provides currently the most up to date review of the East Midlands historic environment resource.

An image of the front cover of "The Archaeology of the East Midlands: An Archaeological Resource Assessment and Research Agenda", edited by Nicholas J Cooper

These period syntheses included discussion of research priorities and the development of a research agenda. Agenda priorities were revised between 2008 and 2012 during the compilation of East Midlands Heritage: an Updated Research Agenda and Strategy for the Historic Environment of the East Midlands and provide the Agenda Themes and Topics contained in this resource.

We are keen to receive comments on more recent work that has advanced understanding of the historic environment resource, and for that purpose have provided a mechanism by which researchers can contribute information on investigations that have advanced our understanding of the region’s historic environment resource. Details of how to contribute are provided here.

Chapter 1: The National and Regional Context of the Research Framework

Chapter 2: The Updated Palaeolithic Period

Chapter 3: The Mesolithic Period

Chapter 4: The Neolithic and Early Middle Bronze Age Period

Chapter 5: The Updated Late Bronze Age and Iron Age

Chapter 6: The Roman Period

Chapter 7: The Anglo Saxon Period

Chapter 8: The Medieval Period

Chapter 9: The Post Medieval Period

Chapter 10: The Modern Period

Chapter 11: Environmental Synthesis

Chapter 12: Cross Period Research and the Foundations of a Research Strategy

The Period Resource Assessment chapters are undergoing review and are currently being updated. Please find below links to access the archived earlier chapters.

Archived Chapter 2: The Palaeolithic Period

Archived Chapter 5: The Later Bronze Age and Iron Age

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