Research Agenda

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Tables summarising the research questions for each of the nine periods which have been defined in this study are presented below.

For further discussion of how the Agenda was compiled, the distinction between Agenda Themes and Topics, and the layout of the Agenda tables, see the introduction to this section. For guidance on how to add information and comments to the Research Agenda, go to How to Contribute to the Agenda.

  1. Palaeolithic
  2. Mesolithic
  3. Neolithic and Early to Middle Bronze Age
  4. Late Bronze Age and Iron Age
  5. Romano-British
  6. Early Medieval
  7. High Medieval
  8. Post Medieval 
  9. Modern

Overarching Agenda Themes

Left: This recently discovered 1944 Luftwaffe photograph of Lyveden New Bield shows the rich palimpsest of medieval village earthworks, ridge and furrow and parkland features around Tresham`s uncompleted garden lodge (bottom right). Most remarkably, the photograph revealed the first evidence of the giant circular labyrinth planted by Tresham, in the polygonal field (a) towards the bottom of the photograph (; (© United States National Archive; reproduced by courtesy of the National Trust).

Right:  Integrating archaeology and the built environment: the gardens of Lyveden New Bield in Northamptonshire preserve an exceptional range of earthworks and sub-surface remains permitting detailed study of this early garden landscape. The unfinished gardens, created by Sir Thomas Tresham from 1595 to his death in 1605, provide a rare insight into early garden design in England. Visitors would have been guided from nearby Lyveden Manor through an intricate complex of orchards, terraces, moats and viewing mounds, including this unusual spiral `snail` mound, before reaching the imposing garden lodge that stands beyond the moat encircling the mound (photograph: D. Knight)

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