This section provides details of publications and digital information sources relating to the historic environment resource of the East Midlands. It is not fully comprehensive, and we would be grateful for details of additional published and online sources.
To add new works to the full regional bibliography or the list of online resources, please click ‘add comment’ . This will appear as a “speech bubble” (pictured right) on the far right sidebar of any paragraph or heading.
The select regional bibliography will be revised by the website moderators as important new works of synthesis are published, and we would welcome recommendations from users on works meriting inclusion.
In order to allow us to moderate the bibliography, please include:
author(s), date of publication, book/article title, journal name, journal volume number, page numbers, place of publication and publisher (see image, left). This will allow the resource to be updated regularly.
See below to view the regional research resources
Details are provided of useful general works on the historic environment of the East Midlands, including syntheses of particular periods and key intra-regional studies. General studies of the submerged landscapes of Doggerland are also included. This section will be revised by the moderators as important new works of synthesis are published.
Details are provided of all references that are cited in the Regional Overview and Updated Research Agenda and Strategy, together with other key publications. Key unpublished reports that are available in digital format are also included.
If you are just starting our in your research project, you may find this link a useful starting point. Listed are details of relevant regional resources which are either free to access or contactable for more information. All archaeological work, including the production of planning documents for contracting units, grant applications and academic research utilise these resources as a part of their framework for investigation.
A list is provided of reports, websites and other digital resources relating to the historic environment of the East Midlands (including digital versions of some of the publications listed in the previous two sections).