HistBEKE classified bibliography part 2

The methodology used for this bibliography is described in the HistBEKE recommendations report, Section 3.3. Where subdivisions of categories (particularly in relation to building types and periods/styles) did not map consistently to the literature, they have not been applied. The contents will inevitably be incomplete. For further development, see Recommendation 3a in the main report.

Construction methods and materials

Construction methods

Addis, B., Miller, J. 2017. Civil engineering heritage: Country profile England. Proceedings of the ICEEngineering History and Heritage, 170, 2, 80-86.

Alcock, N. 2013. A fourteenth-century illustration of a cruck. Vernacular Architecture, 44, 28-30. 

Alcock, N., Miles, D. 2012. An early fifteenth-century Warwickshire cruck house using joggled halvings. Vernacular Architecture, 43, 19-27. 

Brumana, R., Condoleo, P., Grimoldi, A., Landi, A. G. 2017. Shape & construction of brick vaults. Criteria, methods & tools for a possible catalogue. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences. 42, 137-143. 

Kronenburg, R. H. 2014. Architecture in Motion: The History and Development of Portable Building. Routledge, Oxford.

Meeson, B. 2012. Structural trends in English medieval buildings: new insights from dendrochronology. Vernacular Architecture, 43, 58-75.

Schneiderman, D., Freihoefer, K. 2013. The Prefabricated Interior Design Studio: An Exploration into the History and Sustainability of Interior Prefabrication. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 32, 2, 226242.

Theodossopoulos, D., Sanderson, J., Scott, M. 2015. Strengthening masonry cross vaults damaged by geometric instability. Key Engineering Materials, 624, 635-643. 

Theodossopoulos, D., Sinha, B. P. 2013. A review of analytical methods in the current design processes and assessment of performance of masonry structures. Construction and Building Materials, 41, 990-1001.

Materials (general)

Jester, T. C. 2014. Twentieth-Century Building Materials History and Conservation. Getty Publications, Los Angeles.


Bailiff, I.K. 2013. Luminescence dating of brick from Brixworth Church- re-testing by the Durham Laboratory. In Parsons, D., Sutherland, D.S., The Anglo-Saxon Church of All Saints, Brixworth, Northamptonshire. Oxbow Books, Oxford, 243-250. 

Borri, A., Sisti, R., Corradi, M., Giannantoni, A. 2016. Experimental analysis of masonry ring beams reinforced with composite materials. Brick and Block Masonry: Trends, Innovations and Challenges. Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, IBMAC 2016, 717-726. CRC Press/Balkema. 

Brumana, R., Condoleo, P., Grimoldi, A., Landi, A. G. 2017. Shape & construction of brick vaults. Criteria, methods & tools for a possible catalogue. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences. 42, 137-143.  

Daws, G., Hobbs, P. 2015. The variety of brick types and sizes used at Old St. Albans Court, Nonington. Archaeologia Cantiana, 136, 281-293. 

Herbert, D. M. 2013. An investigation of the strength of brickwork walls when subject to flood loading. Cardiff University.

Ford, J. 2013. Brickmaking in Blandford St Mary. Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries, 37, Sept, 253-256. 

Franzoni, E., Gentilini, C., Graziani, G, Bandini, S. 2015. Compressive behaviour of brick masonry triplets in wet and dry conditions. Construction and Building Materials, 82, 45-52. 

Hamrouche, R., Klysz, G., Balayssac, J.l, Rhazi, J.l, Ballivy, G. 2012. Numerical Simulations and Laboratory Tests to Explore the Potential of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) in Detecting Unfilled Joints in Brick Masonry Structures. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 6, 6, 648-664. 

Henry, A., McCaig, I., Willett, C., Godfraind, S., Stewart, J., Cripps, J. C. Henry, A. 2015. Earth, brick and terracotta. Practical building conservation (series). Ashgate.

Jenkins, M. 2016. Retrofitting vapour permeable insulation to traditional brick and stone masonry walls, observations from 15 in situ trials. Brick and Block Masonry: Trends, Innovations and Challenges, Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, IBMAC 2016, 0, 503-508. 

Klõšeiko, P., Arumägi, E., Kalamees, T. 2015. Hygrothermal performance of internally insulated brick wall in cold climate: A case study in a historical school building. Journal of Building Physics, 38, 5, 444-464. 

Lynch, G. 2016. Joint Finishes on Historic Brickwork. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/brickwork-joint-finishes/brickwork-joint-finishes.htm.

McCann, J. 2012. Brick Nogging. Eavesdropper, 46, 26-29. 

Percival, A. 2012. Dutch disappointment? Netherlandish influences on brick building in Sandwich, Kent. British Brick Society Information, 119, Feb, 6-20.

Pickles, D. 2017. Repointing Brick and Stone Walls: Guidelines for Best Practice. Historic England, Swindon.

Reza, H. 2014. Cleaning and restoring old masonry buildings : investigations of physical and chemical characteristics of masonry stones and clay bricks during cleaning. PhD, Edinburgh Napier University.

Cements and mortars

Arizzi, A., Viles, H., Cultrone, G. 2012. Experimental testing of the durability of lime-based mortars used for rendering historic buildings. Construction and Building Materials, 28, 1, 807-818. 

Artis, R. 2014. Admixtures and Additives for Lime Mortars. The Building Conservation Directory. Online


Centauro, I., Cantisani, E., Grandin, C., Salvini, A., Vettori, S. 2017. The Influence of Natural Organic Materials on the Properties of Traditional Lime-Based Mortars. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 11, 5, 670-684. 

Frew, C. 2013. Lime Harling. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/lime-harling/lime-harling.htm.

Hanzlicek, T., Perna, I., Brus, J. 2013. 27Al Magic Angle Spinning-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MAS-NMR) Analyses Applied to Historical Mortars. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 7, 2, 153-164. Taylor & Francis.

Hughes, J. J. 2012. RILEM TC 203-RHM: Repair mortars for historic masonry : the role of mortar in masonry: An introduction to requirements for the design of repair mortars. Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 45, 9, 1287-1294. 

Gagg, C. R. 2014. Cement and concrete as an engineering material: An historic appraisal and case study analysis. Engineering Failure Analysis, 40, 114-140. 

Garmendia, L., Larrinaga, P., García, D., Marcos, I. 2014. Textile-Reinforced Mortar as Strengthening Material for Masonry Arches. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 8, 5, 627-648. 

Griffin, I. M. 2013. Deterioration mechanisms of historic cement renders and concrete. PhD, University of Edinburgh. 

Griffiths, R., Goodhew, S. 2017. Thermal properties of cob retrofitted with external hemp-lime. Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials, 170, 1, 55-67. 

Hanzlicek, T., Perná, I., Ertl, Z. 2012. The Influence of Temperature and Composition on Modeled Mortars. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 6, 4, 359-372. 

Hendrick, R.l., De Clercq, H., Hayen, R. 2016. Performance and Risks of Salt-Accumulating Renders in Relation to Their Moisture Transport Properties. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 10, 1, 84-95. 

Morton, T. Copsey, N. Little, R. 2016. Earth Mortars. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/earth-mortars/earth-mortars.htm.

Pickles, D. 2017. Repointing Brick and Stone Walls: Guidelines for Best Practice. Historic England, Swindon.

Sepulcre Aguilar, A., Hernández-Olivares, F. 2012. Interfacial Transition Zone (ITZ) Analysis in Hydraulic Lime Restoration Mortars for Grouting of Historical Masonries. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 6, 4, 396-414.

Swann, S. 2017. Artificial Stone: 19th-century Cementitious Sculpture and Rockwork. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/artificial-stone/artificialstone.htm.

Torney, C. 2016. Lime Mortars for High Exposure Levels. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/high-exposure-mortars/high-exposure-mortars.htm.

Torney, C., Forster, A. M., Szadurski, E. M. 2014. Specialist ‘restoration mortars’ for stone elements: A comparison of the physical properties of two stone repair materials. Heritage Science, 2, 1, 1-12.

Wood, C., Burns, C. 2013. Grouting Solid Masonry Walls. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/grouting/grouting.htm.


Bertolini, L., Lupica Spagnolo, S., Redaelli, E. 2012. Electrochemical Realkalization as a Conservation Technique for Reinforced Concrete. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 6, 2, 214-227.

Broomfield, J. P. 2013. Concrete preservation plan for reinforced concrete university campus buildings.

Forensic Engineering: Informing the Future with Lessons from the Past: Proceedings of the Fifth International

Conference on Forensic Engineering organised by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in London, UK, 1617 Apr, 401-413.

Brueckner, R., Lambert, P. 2013. Assessment of historic concrete structures. STREMAH 2013, 131, 75-86. 

Douglas, S. 2016. A concrete performance: Conservation at the national theatre. Proceedings of the ICE Engineering History and Heritage, 169, 1, 36-41. 

Farmer, G., Pendlebury, J. 2013. Conserving Dirty Concrete: The Decline and Rise of Pasmore’s Apollo Pavilion, Peterlee. Journal of Urban Design, 18, 2, 263-280.

Farrell, D. Wood, C. 2015. Concrete Repairs: Traditional Methods and Like-for-like Materials. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/repair-historicconcrete/repair-historic-concrete.htm.

Gagg, C. R. 2014. Cement and concrete as an engineering material: An historic appraisal and case study analysis. Engineering Failure Analysis, 40, 114-140.  

Griffin, I. M. 2013. Deterioration mechanisms of historic cement renders and concrete. PhD, University of Edinburgh. 

Jester, T. C. 2014. Twentieth-Century Building Materials History and Conservation. Getty Publications, Los Angeles.

Odgers, D. (ed) 2013. Practical building conservation : concrete.  Ashgate Publishing, UK.

Orr, J. J., Pask, D., Weise, K., Otlet, M. 2015. Birmingham Gateway: Structural assessment and strengthening. Structural Concrete, 16, 4, 458-469. 

Earth, mud, unfired clay

Goode, A., Hill, N. 2012. Mud for the poor. Cornerstone, 33, 1, 36-41. 

Griffiths, R., Goodhew, S. 2017. Thermal properties of cob retrofitted with external hemp-lime. Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials, 170, 1, 55-67. 

Henry, A., McCaig, I., Willett, C., Godfraind, S., Stewart, J., Cripps, J. C. Henry, A. 2015. Earth, brick and terracotta. Practical building conservation (series). Ashgate, UK.

Lombillo, I., Villegas, L., Fodde, E., D’Ayala, D. 2013. Experimental diagnosis of earthen construction: Characterization and in-situ estimation. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications, 37, 4, 249-275.

Matero, F. 2015. Mud Brick Metaphysics and the Preservation of Earthen Ruins. Conservation and management of archaeological sites, 17, 3, 209-223.

Mcgregor, F., Heath, A., Shea, A., Lawrence, M. 2014. Moisture buffering capacity of unfired clay masonry. Building and Environment, 82, December, 599-607.

Messenger, P. 2014. Repairing Clay Buildings and Cumbria’s Clay Dabbins. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/clay-buildings/clay-buildings.htm.

Parkin, S. J., Adderley, W. P., Young, M. E., Kennedy, C. J. 2013. Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy: A potential new means of assessing multi-phase earth-built heritage. Analytical Methods, 5, 18, 4574-4579. 

Rosado Correia, M.R.A., Walliman, N.S.R. 2014. Defining Criteria for Intervention in Earthen-Built Heritage Conservation. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 8, 4, 581-601.

Watts, P. Tesh, G. 2014. Traditional Solid Ground Floors. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/solid-ground-floors/solid-ground-floors.htm.


Arrol, A., Brown, S. 2015. The Great East Window of York Minster. Historic Churches. Online <https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/great-east-window/great-east-window.htm>.

Castagnino, V. 2013. Barmoor Castle, Lowick, Berwick-upon-Tweed. Chemical Analysis of the Window Glass. Historic England, Swindon.

Castagnino, V. 2013. Felton Park Hall Greenhouse, Felton, Northumberland: Chemical Analysis of the Window Glass. Historic England, Swindon.

Dower, R. 2016. Conservation of a rare nineteenth-century iron-framed curvilinear glasshouse. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 22, 3, 199-221.

Dungworth, D. 2017. Wythenshawe Hall, Manchester. Assessment of Historic Window Glass. Historic England, Swindon.

Dungworth, D. 2014. Oxburgh Hall, Oxborough, Norfolk: Portable XRF Analysis of Some Window Glass from the Gatehouse. Historic England, Swindon.

Dungworth, D. 2013. Northington Grange, Northington, Hampshire. Technical Examination of Glass from the Cupola. Historic England, Swindon.

Dungworth, D. 2012. Historic window glass: The use of chemical analysis to date manufacture. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 18, 1, 7-25.

Hazeldean, P. 2014. Structural Glass for Historic Churches. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/structural-glass/structural-glass.htm.

Johnson, M., Merritt, P. 2016. Professions of faith : stained glass making and the visual culture of theology. PhD, University of Stirling.

Proctor, R. 2017. Modern Medievalism: Dom Charles Norris, Dalle de Verre and the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. In Beacham, P. (ed.). Buckfast Abbey: History, Art and Architecture, 207-231. Merrell Publishers Ltd, London.

Seliger, L. 2013. Cleaning Historic Stained Glass Windows. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/cleaning-stained-glass/cleaning-stained-glass.htm.

Steger, S., Stege, H., Bretz, S., Hahn, O. 2018. Capabilities and limitations of handheld Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) for the analysis of colourants and binders in 20th-century reverse paintings on glass. Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular And Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 195, 103112.

Curteis, T., Luxford, N. 2014. Protective Glazing. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/protective-glazing/protective-glazing.htm.

University of York 2016. Restoring York Minster’s medieval masterpiece. University of York, York.


Baker, P. 2017. Improving the Thermal Performance of Traditional Windows: Metal-Framed Windows. Historic England, Swindon.

Brown, D. 2012. Historic wrought iron minor architectural details in Lincolnshire : their development and conservation. PhD, University of Lincoln. 

Davey, A., Troup, E. 2016. Maintaining and Repairing Coatings on Cast Iron Structures. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/cast-iron-coatings/cast-ironcoatings.htm.

Dishon, D. 2017. Metal Theft from Historic Buildings: Prevention, Response and Recovery. Historic England, Swindon.

Dower, R. 2016. Conservation of a rare nineteenth-century iron-framed curvilinear glasshouse. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 22, 3, 199-221.

Field, D., Legge, A. 2017. Lead Fixing for Historic Ironwork. The Building Conservation Directory. https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/lead-fixing-ironwork/lead-fixing-ironwork.htm.

Murray, W 2015. Church Brasswork. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/church-brasswork/church-brasswork.htm.

Nicholson, T. 2013. Corrugated Iron Architecture. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/corrugated-iron-architecture/corrugated-ironarchitecture.htm.

Paganoni, S., D’Ayala, D. 2014. Testing and design procedure for corner connections of masonry heritage buildings strengthened by metallic grouted anchors. Engineering Structures, 70, 278-293. 

Redman, T. 2015. Metal Sheet Roofing. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/metal-sheet-roofing/metal-sheet-roofing.htm.

Taylor, W.M. 2013. Iron, Engineering and Architectural History in Crisis: Following the Case of the River Dee Bridge Disaster, 1847. Archirtectural Histories, 1, 1, Art. 23. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/ah.ao.

Wilson, J. 2013. Painting Railings. Historic Churches. Online



Copsey, N. 2017. Hot Limewashes and Sheltercoats. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/hot-limewash-sheltercoat/hot-limewash-sheltercoat.htm.

Diaz Gonçalves, T., Brito, V. 2014. The whole and the parts: Can lime coatings enhance the drying of salt laden materials?. Construction and Building Materials, 57, 179-189. 

Godfraind, S. 2018. Wall Paintings: Anticipating and Responding to their Discovery. Historic England.

Howell, K. 2014. Victorian and Edwardian Stencilled Decoration. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/stencilled-decoration/stencilled-decoration.htm.

Kaczmar, P. 2015. Linseed Oil Paints and Mastics: Applications and Limitations. The Building Conservation

Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/linseed-oil-paints/linseed-oil-paints.htm

Kirk, B. 2016. Paint Removal from Historic Timbers. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/paint-removal/paint-removal.htm.

Oestreicher, L. 2014. Imitation Timber Graining in the 18th and 19th Centuries. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/timber-graining/timber-graining.htm.

Parker, R.W., Bishop, P., Collings, A.G., McNeilage, R. 2013. No. 18 North Street, Exeter: A 17th-century Merchant House with Painted Panelling. Devon Archaeology Society Proceedings, 71, 123-185. 

Parsons, M. 2015. Interior Decoration and Permeability. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/decoration-permeability/decoration-permeability.htm.

Richardson, E., Woolley, E., Corda, K., Julien-Lees, S., Pinchin, S., Roberts, Z. 2017. In situ characterisation of readhesion treatments for ceiling paintings using unilateral NMR. Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 59, 5, 249-255. 

Sheridan, H. 2018. Paint Toxicity and Risk. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/lead-paint/lead-paint.htm.

Wilson, J. 2013. Painting Railings. Historic Churches. Online


Plaster and plasterwork

Bianco,L., Serra,V, Fantucci, S., Dutto, M., Massolino, M. 2015. Thermal insulating plaster as a solution for refurbishing historic building envelopes: First experimental results. Energy & Buildings, 95, 86-91.

Clifford, R. 2016. Maintaining Large Fibrous Plaster Ceilings. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/fibrous-plaster-ceilings/fibrous-plaster-ceilings.htm.

Harrison, D. 2013. Scagliola. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/scagliola/scagliola.htm.

Kennedy, C. J., Revie, W. A., Troalen, L., Wade, M., Wess, T. J. 2013. Studies of hair for use in lime plaster: Implications for conservation and new work. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 98, 4, 894-898. 

Napier, W. J. 2012. Kinship and politics in the art of plaster decoration. PhD, University of Dundee. 

Wheatley, S. 2014. Repairing Lime Plaster Ceilings. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/lime-plaster-ceilings/lime-plaster-ceilings.htm.


Caroe, O. 2016. Commission by Competition: Ripon Cathedral’s New Gargoyles. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/kirkyard-heritage/kirkyard-heritage.htm.

Kirton, J. 2016. Sculpture and place : a biographical approach to recontextualising Cheshire’s early medieval stone sculpture. PhD, University of Chester.

Newson, J. 2013. Beakhead Decoration on Romanesque Arches in the Upper Thames Valley. Oxo-niensia, 78, 71. 

O’Neill, C. R. 2018. Bearing the impossible : the caryatid in Britain, 1790-1914. PhD, University of York, York.

Sou, L. 2016. A survey of the historic carvings at Carlisle Castle, Cumbria, using Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scans. Historic England, Swindon.

Swann, S. 2017. Artificial Stone: 19th-century Cementitious Sculpture and Rockwork. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/artificial-stone/artificialstone.htm

Thurlby, M. 2014. The Architecture and Sculpture of Deerhurst Priory: The Later 11th, 12th– and Early 13thCentury Work. The Friends of Deerhurst Church, Deerhurst.

Turnock, J. A. 2018. Landscapes of patronage, power and salvation : a contextual study of architectural stone sculpture in Northern England, c.1070-c.1155. PhD, Durham University.

Stone (see also Petrological analysis)

Bagshaw, S. 2014. The building stones of St Mary’s Church, Deerhurst. The Friends of Deerhurst Church, Deerhurst.

Barr, M. W. C. 2016. Selected Highlights of a Building Stone Survey of Devon. Devonshire Association Report and Transactions, 148, 29-62. 

Bone, D. A. 2016. Historic building stones and their distribution in the churches and chapels of West Sussex, England. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 127, 1, 53-77. 

Bone, D. A. 2016. Reply to comment by Roger Cordiner on Historic building stones and their distribution in churches and chapels of West Sussex, England. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 127, 4, 529-0.

Brimblecombe, P. 2014. Environment and architectural stone. In Stone in Architecture: Properties, Durability: Fifth Edition, 317-347. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Bristow, C. M. 2014. The geology of the building and decorative stones of Cornwall, UK. Geological Society, London, Special Publications. 391, 1, 93-120.

Cabbie, A., Gentile, C., Guidobaldi, M., Saisi, A. 2015. Continuous dynamic monitoring of historic masonry towers using few accelerometers: Methodological aspects and typical results. SHMII 201 57th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, 201. 

Cassar, J., Marker, B. R., Winter, M. G. 2014. Stone in historic buildings : characterization and performance. The Geological Society, Bath. 

Cassar, J., Winter, M. G., Marker, B. R., Bromhead, E. N., Smith, J. W. N., Toll, D. G., Walton, N. R. G., Entwisle, D. C., Dijkstra, T. A. 2013. Introduction to the stone cycle and the conservation of historic buildings. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 46, 4, 363-366. 

Cassar, J., Winter, M. G., Marker, B. R., Walton, N. R. G., Entwisle, D. C., Bromhead, E. N., Smith, J. W. N. 2014.

Introduction to stone in historic buildings: Characterization and performance. Geological Society Special Publication, 391, 1, 1-5. Geological Society of London. 

Coath, J. 2013. Sandstone Conservation and Repair. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/sandstone-conservation/sandstone-conservation.htm.

DeJong, M. J. 2016. Settlement effects on masonry structures. Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions:

Anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural

Analysis of Historical Constructions, 449-456. CRC Press/Balkema

Diaz Gonçalves, T., Brito, V. 2014. Alteration kinetics of natural stones due to sodium sulfate crystallization: can reality match experimental simulations?. Environmental Earth Sciences, 72, 6, 1789-1799. 

D’Orazio, M., Munaf, P. 2016. A Methodology for the Evaluation of Hygrometric and Mechanical Properties of Consolidated Stones. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 10, 5, 517-525. 

Edensor, T. 2013. Vital urban materiality and its multiple absences: The building stone of central Manchester. Cultural Geographies, 20, 4, 447-465. 

Eklund, J. A., Zhang, H., Viles, H. A., Curteis, T. 2013. Using handheld moisture meters on limestone: Factors affecting performance and guidelines for best practice. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 7, 2, 207-224.

Erkal, A., D’Ayala, D., Stephenson, V. 2013. Evaluation of environmental impact on historical stone masonry through on-site monitoring appraisal. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 46, 4, 449458. 

Fairchild, J. 2016. Abrasive Cleaning Methods for Masonry. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/abrasive-masonry-cleaning/abrasive-masonry-cleaning.htm.

Ffloyd, T. 2014. Damp Movement in Rubble Walls. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/damp-movement/damp-movement.htm.

Garabito, J., Manso, J.M., Rodriguez, A., Garabito, J.C., Calderon, V. 2013. Methods for physical, chemical and biological cleaning of historic stone-masonry monuments. Informes De La Construccion, 65, 531, 367-380. 

Garmendia, L., Larrinaga, P., García, D., Marcos, I. 2014. Textile-Reinforced Mortar as Strengthening Material for Masonry Arches. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 8, 5, 627-648. 

Gomez-Heras, M., McCabe, S. 2015. Weathering of stone-built heritage: A lens through which to read the Anthropocene. Anthropocene, 11, 1-13.

Gurel, M. A. 2016. Stability of Slender Masonry Columns with Circular Cross-Section under Their Own Weight and Eccentric Vertical Load. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 10, 8, 1008-1024. 

Hart, S. 2012. Vernacular Stone: Architectural details of the Cotswolds and the Stamford region compared. Ancient Monuments Society Transactions, 56, 90-102. 

Hopkinson, L., Rutt, K., Kristova, P., Blows, J., Firth, C. 2015. Sourcing limestone masonry for restoration of historic buildings, a spectroscopic pilot study. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 16, 6, 822-830. 

Horsfield, T.W. 2013. The Building Stones of Oxfordshire Villages. Oxoniensia, 78, 115-126. 

Hughes, T. 2013. Detailing and Conservation of Vernacular Slate and Stone Roofs. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/vernacular-roofs/vernacular-roofs.htm.

Hughes, T., Horak, J., Lott, G., Roberts, D. 2016. Cambrian age Welsh Slate: A global heritage stone resource from the United Kingdom. Episodes, 39, 1, 45-51. 

Hughes, T., Lott, G. K., Poultney, M. J., Cooper, B. J. 2013. Portland stone: A nomination for “global heritage stone resource” from the United Kingdom. Episodes, 36, 3, 221-2

Hume, I. 2013. Masonry Structures: Structural Investigation and Assessment. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/masonry-structures/masonrystructures.htm.

Jenkins, M. 2016. Retrofitting vapour permeable insulation to traditional brick and stone masonry walls, observations from 15 in situ trials. Brick and Block Masonry: Trends, Innovations and Challenges, Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, IBMAC 2016, 0, 503-508. 

Kayan, B. A. 2013. Green maintenance for historic masonry buildings : a life cycle assessment approach. PhD, Heriot-Watt University. 

Kayan, B. A., Forster, A. M., Banfill, P. F. G. 2016. Green Maintenance for historic masonry buildings: an option appraisal approach. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 5, 2, 143-164.  

Krzan, M., Gostic, S., Cattari, S., Bosiljkov,V. 2015. Acquiring reference parameters of masonry for the structural performance analysis of historical buildings. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 13, 1, 203-236. 

Lawrence, A. 2014. Cleaning Marble Monuments. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/cleaning-marble-monuments/cleaning-marblemonuments.htm

Lott, G. 2013. Sourcing stone for the conservation and repair of historical buildings in Britain. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 46, 4, 405-420. 

Love, R. 2017. Dry Stone Walling in the 21st Century. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/dry-stone-walling/dry-stone-walling.htm.

Marszalek, M. 2016. Identification of secondary salts and their sources in deteriorated stone monuments using micro-Raman spectroscopy, SEM-EDS and XRD. Journal Of Raman Spectroscopy, 47, 12, 1473-1485.

McAllister, D. A. 2016. Environmental controls on sandstone decay : the impact of climate and changing dynamics. PhD, Queen’s University Belfast.

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Architectural Historians

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Marginalised agents

Ahmed, Nazneen, GARNETT, Jane, GIDLEY, Ben, HARRIS, Alana, KEITH, Michael 2016. Shifting markers of identity in East London’s diasporic religious spaces. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39, 2, 223-242. 

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Faculty of History, University of Oxford ongoing. Housing, Culture and Women’s Citizenship in Britain, c.1945 to the present. Faculty of History, University of Oxford. 

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Community groups, volunteers and collaborations (new category)

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Davison, K., Russell, J. 2017. Disused religious space: Youth participation in built heritage regeneration. Religions, 8, 6. 

Edinburgh College of Art 2014-2019. Tower Blocks – Our Blocks! A National Community Heritage Database for Postwar Mass Housing. Edinburgh College of Art.

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Nwachukwu, C. V., Udeaja, C., Chileshe, N., Okere, C. E. 2017. The critical success factors for stakeholder management in the restoration of built heritage assets in the UK. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 35, 4, 304-331. 

Reed, C., Smith, K. Collaborating across Heritage and Higher Education to Reveal the Global History of Osterley Park House. In Finn, M., Smith, K. (eds). New Paths to Public Histories, 47-72. Palgrave, Basingstoke.

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Zhang, L. 2016. Towards conflict resolution and collaborative consensus-making : a participatory approach to architecture design in the Nottingham Natural History Museum, Wollaton Hall. PhD, University of Nottingham. 

Recording, Analysis and Conservation

Materials science

Bertolini, L., Lupica Spagnolo, S., Redaelli, E. 2012. Electrochemical Realkalization as a Conservation Technique for Reinforced Concrete. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 6, 2, 214-227.

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Quagliarini, E., Bondioli, F., Goffredo, G.B., Licciulli, A., Munafò, P. 2012. Self-cleaning materials on Architectural Heritage: Compatibility of photo-induced hydrophilicity of TiO2 coatings on stone surfaces. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 14, 1, 1-7. 

Reza, H. 2014. Cleaning and restoring old masonry buildings : investigations of physical and chemical characteristics of masonry stones and clay bricks during cleaning. PhD, Edinburgh Napier University.

Richardson, E., Woolley, E., Corda, K., Julien-Lees, S., Pinchin, S., Roberts, Z. 2017. In situ characterisation of readhesion treatments for ceiling paintings using unilateral NMR. Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 59, 5, 249-255. 

Dendrochronology (see also Wood)

Lloyd, A. 2013. The Wiltshire dendrochronology project 2009-2011: Summary of results. Vernacular Architecture, 44, 62-73.

Meeson, B. 2012. Structural trends in English medieval buildings: new insights from dendrochronology. Vernacular Architecture, 43, 58-75.

Miles, D., Gibson, R., Clark, D. 2012. Tree-ring dating supported by OAHS. Oxoniensia, 77, 300-308. 

Hygrothermal analysis

Baker, P. 2015. Shrewsbury, Shropshire: Hygrothermal Modelling of Shrewsbury Flax Mill Maltings. Historic England, Swindon.

Huijbregts, Z., Van Schijndel, J. W., Schellen, H. L., Blades, N. 2014. Hygrothermal modelling of flooding events within historic buildings. Journal of Building Physics, 38, 2, 170-187.

Klõšeiko, P., Arumägi, E., Kalamees, T. 2015. Hygrothermal performance of internally insulated brick wall in cold climate: A case study in a historical school building. Journal of Building Physics, 38, 5, 444-464. 

Po’leary, T., Duffy, A., Menzies, G. 2016. Using hygrothermal analysis in the sustainable renovation of historic buildings. Central Europe Towards Sustainable Building 2016: Innovations for Sustainable Future, 237-244. 

Mortar sampling

Hanzlicek, T., Perna, I., Brus, J. 2013. 27Al Magic Angle Spinning-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MAS-NMR) Analyses Applied to Historical Mortars. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 7, 2, 153-164.

Petrological analysis (see also Stone)

Bemand, E., Liang, H. 2013. Optical coherence tomography for vulnerability assessment of sandstone. Applied Optics, 52, 14, 3387-3393.

Benavente, D., Brimblecombe, P., Grossi, C. M. 2015. Thermodynamic calculations for the salt crystallisation damage in porous built heritage using PHREEQC. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74, 3, 2297-2313.

Benavente, D., Pla,C. 2018. Effect of pore structure and moisture content on gas diffusion and permeability in porous building stones. Materials and Structures, 51, 1, 1-14.

Borri, A., Sisti, R., Corradi, M., Giannantoni, A. 2016. Experimental analysis of masonry ring beams reinforced with composite materials. Brick and Block Masonry: Trends, Innovations and Challenges. Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, IBMAC 2016, 717-726. CRC Press/Balkema. 

Cabbie, A., Gentile, C., Guidobaldi, M., Saisi, A. 2015. Continuous dynamic monitoring of historic masonry towers using few accelerometers: Methodological aspects and typical results. SHMII 201 57th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, 201. 

Cárdenes, V., Rubio-Ordóñez, Á., Wichert, J., Cnudde, J.P., Cnudde, V. 2014. Petrography of roofing slates.

EarthScience Reviews, 138, 435. 

Dewanckele, J., De Kock, T., Fronteau, G., Derluyn, H., Vontobel, P., Dierick, M., Van Hoorebeke, L., Jacobs, P., Cnudde, V. 2014. Neutron radiography and X-ray computed tomography for quantifying weathering and water uptake processes inside porous limestone used as building material. Materials Characterization, 88, 86-99.

Diaz Gonçalves, T., Brito, V. 2014. Alteration kinetics of natural stones due to sodium sulfate crystallization: can reality match experimental simulations?. Environmental Earth Sciences, 72, 6, 1789-1799. 

Graham, C. J. 2016. A petrographic investigation into the durability of common replacement sandstones to the crystallisation of de-icing salts. PhD, University of Glasgow. 

Marszalek, M. 2016. Identification of secondary salts and their sources in deteriorated stone monuments using micro-Raman spectroscopy, SEM-EDS and XRD. Journal Of Raman Spectroscopy, 47, 12, 1473-1485.

Menendez, B., David, C. 2013. The influence of environmental conditions on weathering of porous rocks by gypsum: a non-destructive study using acoustic emissions. Environmental Earth Sciences, 68, 6, 1691-1706.

Morillas, H., Maguregui, M., Garcia-Florentino, C., CarreroJ., Salcedo, I., Madariaga, Jm 2016. The cauliflowerlike black crusts on sandstones: A natural passive sampler to evaluate the surrounding environmental pollution. Environmental Research, 147, 218-232.

Munafò, P., Quagliarini, E., Goffredo, G. B., Bondioli, F., Licciulli, A. 2014. Durability of nano-engineered TiO2 self-cleaning treatments on limestone. Construction and Building Materials, 65, 218-231. 

Oses, N., Dornaika, F. 2013. Image-based delineation of built heritage masonry for automatic classification. International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition 2013: Image Analysis and Recognition. 782-789. 

Oses, N., Dornaika, F., Moujahid, A. 2014. Image-based delineation and classification of built heritage masonry. Remote Sensing, 6, 3, 1863-1889. 

Pandey, S. C., Pollard, A. M., Viles, H. A., Tellam, J. H. 2014. Influence of ion exchange processes on salt transport and distribution in historic sandstone buildings. Applied Geochemistry, 48, 176-183. 

Pandey, S., Pollard, A., Viles, H. 2017. A simulation study of capillary transport, preferential retention and distribution of salts in historic sandstone buildings. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76, 12, 1-7. 

Reza, H. 2014. Cleaning and restoring old masonry buildings : investigations of physical and chemical characteristics of masonry stones and clay bricks during cleaning. PhD, Edinburgh Napier University.

Rivas, T., Feijoo, J., de Rosario,I., Taboada, J. 2017. Use of Ferrocyanides on Granite Desalination by Immersion and Poultice-Based Methods. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 11, 4, 588-606.

Wilhelm, K., Viles, H., Burke, A 2016. The Influence of Salt on Handheld Electrical Moisture Meters: Can They Be Used to Detect Salt Problems in Porous Stone?. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 10, 6, 735748.


Hopkinson, L., Rutt, K., Kristova, P., Blows, J., Firth, C. 2015. Sourcing limestone masonry for restoration of historic buildings, a spectroscopic pilot study. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 16, 6, 822-830. 

Marszalek, M. 2016. Identification of secondary salts and their sources in deteriorated stone monuments using micro-Raman spectroscopy, SEM-EDS and XRD. Journal Of Raman Spectroscopy, 47, 12, 1473-1485.

Parkin, S. J., Adderley, W. P., Young, M. E., Kennedy, C. J. 2013. Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy: A potential new means of assessing multi-phase earth-built heritage. Analytical Methods, 5, 18, 4574-4579. 

Steger, S., Stege, H., Bretz, S., Hahn, O. 2018. Capabilities and limitations of handheld Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) for the analysis of colourants and binders in 20th-century reverse paintings on glass. Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular And Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 195, 103112.

Conservation practice

Theory and principles

Bell, H. 2012. Values in the conservation and regeneration of post-war listed public housing : a study of Spa Green, London and Park Hill, Sheffield. PhD, University of Sheffield. 

Engel, C. 2014. A conservation policy for modern university buildings. Proceedings of the 13th Docomomo International Conference Seoul: Expansion and Conflict, Seoul 201, 90-94. 

British Standards Institution 2013. Guide to the conservation of historic buildings : BS 7913:2013. British Standards Institution, London.

Cassar, J., Winter, M. G., Marker, B. R., Bromhead, E. N., Smith, J. W. N., Toll, D. G., Walton, N. R. G., Entwisle, D. C., Dijkstra, T. A. 2013. Introduction to the stone cycle and the conservation of historic buildings. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 46, 4, 363-366. 

Darlington, J. 2016. To Restore or Not to Restore. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/restoration/restoration.htm.

Fernandez, S. 2017. Engineer’s approach to conservation. Proceedings of the ICEEngineering History and Heritage, 170, 2, 53-66. 

Forsyth, M. 2013. Understanding Historic Building Conservation. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester.

Gharib, R. Y. 2017. Preservation of built heritage: an Islamic perspective (1). Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 7, 4, 366-380. 

Insall, D. 2018. Living Buildings: Architectural Conservation, Philosophy, Principles and Practice. The Images Publishing Group, Mulgrave.

Kamel-Ahmed, E. 2015. What to conserve? : Heritage, memory, and management of meanings. Archnet-IJAR, 9, 1, 67-76.  

Kayan, B. A. 2013. Green maintenance for historic masonry buildings : a life cycle assessment approach. PhD, Heriot-Watt University.  

Kayan, B. A., Forster, A. M., Banfill, P. F. G. 2016. Green Maintenance for historic masonry buildings: an option appraisal approach. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 5, 2, 143-164.

Kennedy, C. J. 2015. The Role of Heritage Science in Conservation Philosophy and Practice. Historic Environment: Policy and Practice, 6, 3, 214-228.  

Morris, B. 2014. In defence of oblivion: The case of Dunwich, Suffolk. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 20, 2, 196-216.

Pendlebury, J., Hamza, N., Sharr, A. 2014. Conservation values, conservation-planning and climate change. DISP, 50, 3, 43-54.

Purcell, E., Marie, C. 2017. Modern movement conservation : international principles and national policies in Great Britain and the United States of America. PhD, University of Edinburgh. 

Walter, N. 2014. From values to narrative: A new foundation for the conservation of historic buildings. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 20, 6, 634-650.

History of conservation (new category)

Bill, E. G. W. 2013. Sir Gilbert Scott’s Restoration of Christ Church Cathedral. Oxoniensia, 78. 

Binney, M. 2015. Save Britain’s Heritage : 1975-2015 : the next forty years. Next 40 years, Save Britain’s Heritage, London. 

Chapple, N. 2014. A History of the National Heritage Collection: Volume Eight: 1970-1983. Historic England, Swindon.

Chapple, N. 2014. A History of the National Heritage Collection: Volume Seven: 1953-1970. Historic England, Swindon.

Chapple, N. 2014. A History of the National Heritage Collection: Volume Six: 1945-1953. Historic England, Swindon.

Chrimes, M. 2016. Engineers and conservation: Two centuries and no progress?. Proceedings of the ICEEngineering History and Heritage, 169, 4, 165-180. 

Conlin, J. 2012. Development or Destruction? E.A. Freeman and the Debate on Church Restoration, 1839-51. Oxoniensia 77, 137.

Davison, M. W. 2012. The first 50 years : a history of the Kingston upon Thames Society. Kingston upon Thames Society.

Foster, J. 2013. The Redbourne Garden Village Trust. Lincolnshire Past & Present, 94, Winter, 11-15. 

Fry, S. 2014. A History of the National Heritage Collection, Volume Five: 1931-1945: Heritage Under Fire: Hadrian’s Wall, Avebury and the Second World War. Historic England, Swindon.

Fry, S. 2014. A History of the National Heritage Collection, Volume Four: 1913-1931 The Ancient Monuments Branch under Peers and Baine. Historic England, Swindon.

Fry, S. 2014. A History of the National Heritage Collection, Volume One: 1882-1900 Lt. General Augustus PittRivers and the First Ancient Monuments Act. Historic England, Swindon.

Fry, S. 2014. A History of the National Heritage Collection, Volume Two: 1900-1913 The Offices of War, Woods and Works. Historic England, Swindon.

Fry, S. 2014. A History of the National Heritage Collection, Volume Three: Stonehenge. Historic England, Swindon.

Glendinning, M. 2013. The Conservation Movement: A History of Architectural Preservation: Antiquity to Modernity. Routledge, London.

Harney, M. 2017. Conserving Britain’s Ruins, 1700 to the Present Day. Townshend, D., Carter, M., Lindfield, P. (eds). Writing Britain’s Ruins, 1700–1850. British Library Publishing, London.

Insley, J. 2016. Surveying the Fabrick Survey work at St Paul’s Cathedral in the 1920s. International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology, 86, 1, 93-110. 

Jefferson, D. 2016. Sourcing Stone for Historic Building Repair. Historic England, Swindon.

Jeffery, R. 2014. Rescuing the Built Heritage of Dissenters, Recusants and Nonconformists : the Historic Chapels Trust. Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, 58, 155-169. 

Mackley, A. 2017. The restoration of Blythburgh Church, 1881-1906 : the dispute between the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings and the Blythburgh Church Restoration Committee. The Boydell Press, Martlesham.

Malathouni, C. 2018. Preston Bus Station: Architectural History, Politics and Democracy in a Post-World War II Designation Saga. Fabrications, 28, 2, 160-184.

Manley, S. 2015. Saving St James’s Priory, Bristol. Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, 59, 109134. 

Manners, J. 2014. Saving Oldham’s War Memorial. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/oldham-war-memorial/oldham-war-memorial.htm.

Mansfield, J. R. 2013. Heritage protection in England: the New Labour legacy. Structural Survey, 31, 1, 6-20. 

McIntyre, L. 2015. A review of the Church of England’s management of medieval bishops’ palaces. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 21, 2, 85-97. 

Purcell, E., Marie, C. 2017. Modern movement conservation : international principles and national policies in Great Britain and the United States of America. PhD, University of Edinburgh. 

Roberts, D. 2017. ‘We felt magnificent being up there’ : Erno Goldfinger’s Balfron Tower and the campaign to keep it public. In Guillery, P., Kroll, D. Mobilising housing histories : learning from London’s past. RIBA Publishing, London. 

Rodwell, D. 2012. The UNESCO World Heritage Convention, 1972-2012: Reflections and Directions. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 3, 1, 64-85. 

Saint, A. 2017. The 1895 Restoration of All Saints’, Margaret Street. In Howell, P., Saint, A. Butterfield Revisited. Studies in Victorian Architecture & Design, 6. Victorian Society, London.

Simpson, J. 2015. Charles McKean : An Appreciation. Architectural Heritage, 26, 1, 1-4.

Thom, C. 2015. “Save St Paul’s!” Historic monuments as symbols of endurance in the London Blitz.’ In Calvano

T., Forti M. Musei e Monumenti in Guerra 1939-1945 Londra Parigi Roma Berlino, 167-182. Musei Vaticani, Vatican City.

Thurley, S 2013. Men from the ministry : how Britain saved its heritage. Yale University Press, US.

Townsend, C. Gaspar, P. 2014. 100 Church Treasures and The Altar of Sacrifice, Tostock Parish Church. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/tostock-memorial/tostock-memorial.htm.

Wade Martins, S. 2015. The conservation movement in Norfolk : a history. Boydell & Brewer, Martlesham.

West, J. 2016. The historic buildings and monuments commission for England 1984-2015: A personal essay. Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, 60, 10-17.

Winstanley, M. J., David, R., Whyte, I. D. 2016. Revealing Cumbria’s past : 150 years of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society. Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society.

Education/Professional development

Banfill, P., Bridgwood, B., Maxwell, I. 2012. www.understandingconservation.org: Support for developing a practitioner portfolio in built environment conservation. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 2, 1, 62-79.

Lobovikov-Katz, A., Benito, G.B., Sánchez, V.M., Martins, J., Sojref, D. 2016. Training schools for conservation of cultural heritage: Between expertise, management and education. 10058, 880-890. 

Repair and alteration

Aiers, P. 2016. Documenting Church Conservation and Repairs. The Building Conservation Directory. Online <https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/documenting-church-conservation/documenting-churchconservation.htm>.

Atkinson, J. K. 2014. Environmental conditions for the safeguarding of collections: A background to the current debate on the control of relative humidity and temperature. Studies in Conservation, 59, 4, 205-212.

Bianco,L., Serra,V, Fantucci, S., Dutto, M., Massolino, M. 2015. Thermal insulating plaster as a solution for refurbishing historic building envelopes: First experimental results. Energy & Buildings, 95, 86-91.

Brown, A. 2014. Alarms for Church Roofs. Historic Churches. Online


Brueckner, R., Lambert, P. 2014. Conservation of defence heritage structures using corrosion protection techniques. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 143, 271-282. 

Cady, M. A. 2014. The conservation of country house ruins. PhD, University of Leicester. 

Dove, S. 2016. Exterior Lighting Design. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/exterior-lighting-design/exterior-lighting-design.htm.

English Heritage 2014. Practical building conservation : building environment. Ashgate, Farnham.

English Heritage 2013. Practical building conservation : roofing. Ashgate, Farnham.

Everett, C. P. 2013. Sheffield arts tower: Rejuvenation of a II* listed structure. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings, 166, 1, 38-48. 

Erkal, A., D’Ayala, D. 2015. Laboratory testing of non-standard original historic building materials and related implications for conservation. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 48, 1, 15-28. 

Farmer, G., Pendlebury, J. 2013. Conserving Dirty Concrete: The Decline and Rise of Pasmore’s Apollo Pavilion, Peterlee. Journal of Urban Design, 18, 2, 263-280.

Foster, J. V. 2014. Rebuilding Woolwich Arsenal clock tower, London, UK. Proceedings of the ICE Engineering History and Heritage, 167, 1, 22-33.

Franklin, G. 2016. Post-War Public Art: Protection, Care and Conservation. Historic England, Swindon.

Garmston, H. M. 2017. Decision-making in the selection of retrofit facades for non-domestic buildings. PhD, University of Plymouth. 

Henry, A., Glockling, J. 2017. Thatch Fires and the role of wood-burning stoves. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/thatch-fire-stoves/thatch-fire-stoves.htm.

Holden, P. 2014. Fire Control Measures at Lanhydrock. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/lanhydrock-fire-control/lanhydrock-fire-control.htm.

Kerr, C. 2017. Restoring All Saints’, Margaret Street : Discoveries and Reflections. Studies in Victorian Architecture & Design, 6. Victorian Society, London.

Kincaid, S. 2018. The Upgrading of Fire Safety in Historic Buildings. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 9, 1, 3-20. 

Laycock, E. A.,Wood, C. 2014. Understanding and controlling the ingress of driven rain through exposed, solid wall masonry structures. Geological Society Special Publication, 391, 1, 175-191.

Lehmann, F., Schreiner, M., Reinhardt, H.W. 2018. Instrumented monitoring in the context of historic structures. Bautechnik, 95, 1, 1-0. 

Lewis, J. 2015. Preserving and maintaining the concept of Letchworth Garden City. Planning Perspectives, 30, 1, 153-163. 

Lithgow, K., Boden, N., Hill, M., Lithgow, R., Measures, K. 2012. A ‘once in a lifetime’ experience: ‘Conservation in action’ for Thornhill’s wall paintings at Hanbury Hall, Worcestershire, UK. Studies in Conservation, 57, 1, 181190.

Lott, G. 2013. Sourcing stone for the conservation and repair of historical buildings in Britain. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 46, 4, 405-420. 

McCaig, I. 2013. Practical building conservation : conservation basics. Conservation basics, Ashgate, Farnham.

McIntyre, L. 2015. A review of the Church of England’s management of medieval bishops’ palaces. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 21, 2, 85-97. 

Meng, B., Mueller, U., Garcia, O., Malaga, K. 2014. Performance of a New Anti-Graffiti Agent Used for Immovable Cultural Heritage Objects. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 8, 6, 820-834.

Miller, J. 2014. The restoration of Tynemouth railway station canopy. Proceedings of the ICEEngineering History and Heritage, 167, 3, 136-146.

Miller, J. 2017. Conserving War Memorials: Structural Problems and Repairs. Historic England, Swindon.

Moreton, F. Reynolds, C. 2016. The Conservation of War Memorial Inscriptions. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/war-memorial-inscriptions/war-memorial-inscriptions.htm.

Morgan, T. 2012. Richard’s Castle : Conservation and standing remains 2011-2012. Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists’ Field Club, 60, 121-128.

Moropoulou, A., Labropoulos, K. C., Delegou, E. T., Karoglou, M., Bakolas, A. 2013. Non-destructive techniques as a tool for the protection of built cultural heritage. Construction and Building Materials, 48, November, 12221239. 

Moyle, W. 2015. Special Effects. Fire Risk Management, Fire Protection Association. 

National Trust. 2015. Specifications for building conservation. Routledge, London.

Odgers, D. 2013. Steam Cleaning. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/steam-cleaning/steam-cleaning.htm.

Pickles, D. 2015. Flooding and Historic Buildings. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2015. The Conservation, Repair and Management of War Memorials. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2017. Repointing Brick and Stone Walls: Guidelines for Best Practice. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2017. The Maintenance and Repair of Traditional Farm Buildings: A Guide to Good Practice. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2018. Vacant Historic Buildings: Guidelines on Managing Risks. Historic England, Swindon.

Revez, M.J., Rodrigues, J.D. 2016. Incompatibility risk assessment procedure for the cleaning of built heritage. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 18, 219-228. 

Ridout, B. 2017. Ventilation and conservation. Historic England, Swindon.

Russell, R. 2013. Structural Timber Repairs. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/structural-timber-repairs/structural-timber-repairs.htm.

Seliger, L. 2013. Cleaning Historic Stained Glass Windows. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/cleaning-stained-glass/cleaning-stained-glass.htm.

Stazi, F., Gregorini, B., Gianangeli, A., Bernardini, G, Quagliarini, E. 2017. Design of a smart system for indoor climate control in historic underground built environment. Energy Procedia, 134, 518-527.

Stepinac, M., Rajcic, V., Barbalic, J. 2017. Inspection and condition assessment of existing timber structures. Gradevinar, 69, 9, 861-873. 

Tappin, S. 2016. Repair works at Dudley Zoo. Proceedings of the ICEEngineering History and Heritage, 169, 1, 11-21.

Taylor, J. 2013. Rainwater. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/rainwater/rainwater.htm.

Theodossopoulos, D. 2012. Structural Design in Building Conservation. Routledge, London.

Theodossopoulos, D., Sanderson, J., Scott, M. 2015. Strengthening masonry cross vaults damaged by geometric instability. Key Engineering Materials, 624, 635-643. 

Curteis, T., Crofts, S. 2016. Environmental Performance: Assessing the Impact of Heritage Projects on Building Environment. The Building Conservation Directory. Online


Ibáñez, A.J.P., Bernal, J.M.M., de Diego, M.J.C., Sánchez, F.J.A. 2016. Expert system for predicting buildings service life under ISO 31000 standard. Application in architectural heritage. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 18, 209-218. 

Jones, G., Lambert, P. 2016. Predicting service life from site-accessed corrosion rate data. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Forensic Engineering, 169, 2, 53-60.  

Tulasiewicz, E. 2017. The Yorkshire Maintenance Project. Historic Churches. Online


Vanoli, D. 2012. The Arab Hall, Leighton House Museum: Restoration and conservation works 2008-10. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 18, 1, 27-46. 

Vidovszky, I. 2016. Impact-based Diagnostic Approach for Maintenance Monitoring of Historic Buildings. Procedia Engineering, 164, 575-582.

Walker, R. A., Wilson, K., Lee, A. F., Woodford, J., Grassian, V. H., Baltrusaitis, J., Rubasinghege, G., Cibin, G., Dent, A. 2012. Preservation of York Minster historic limestone by hydrophobic surface coatings. Scientific Reports, 2, 880.

Walker, R., Pavâ, S. 2015. Thermal performance of a selection of insulation materials suitable for historic buildings. Building and Environment, 94, 1, 155-165.

Wallis, G. 2017. Restoring the Elsecar Newcomen Engine—High Ideals, Deep Mysteries. International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology, 87, 2, 154-164.

White, J. 2016. Conservation and Management of War Memorial Landscapes. Historic England, Swindon.

Willett, C. 2017. Conserving War Memorials: Cleaning. Historic England, Swindon.

Williamson, A. 2014. Historic Timber Staircases: Management, Conservation and Repair. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/timber-staircases/timberstaircases.htm.

Winsor, P., Pinniger, D., Bacon, L., Child, B., Harris, K. 2012. Integrated Pest Management for Collections: Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. Historic England, Swindon.

Woolfitt, C. 2015. Decorative Masonry Repairs. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/decorative-masonry-repairs/decorative-masonry-repairs.htm.

Zeale, M. R. K., Bennitt, E., Newson, S. E., Packman, C., Browne, W. J., Harris, S., Jones, G., Stone, E. 2016. Mitigating the impact of Bats in historic churches: The response of Natterer’s Bats Myotis nattereri to artificial roosts and deterrence. PLoS ONE, 11, 1. 10.1371/journal.pone.0146782


Aktas, Y. D., D’Ayala, D., Blades, N., Calnan, C. 2017. An assessment of moisture induced damage in Blickling Hall in Norfolk, England, via environmental monitoring. Heritage Science, 5, 1, 5. 

De Berardinis, P., Bartolomucci, C., Capannolo, L., De Vita, M., Laurini, E., Marchionni, C. 2018. Instruments for assessing historical built environments in emergency contexts: Non-destructive techniques for sustainable recovery. Buildings, 8, 2. 

Romão, X., Paupério, E., Pereira, N. 2016. A framework for the simplified risk analysis of cultural heritage assets. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 20, 696-708.

Stephenson, V. J. 2016. Vulnerability of historic buildings to environmental actions : an empirical methodology. PhD, University College London (University of London). 

Climate Change (see Climate change impacts)


Birch, J., Squires, G. 2014. Building heritage in Enterprise Zones: the latest threat or opportunity?. Structural Survey, 32, 3, 209-218.

Buss, B. 2012. ‘Let the Punishment Fit the Crime’ — The Case of No. 6 Trafalgar Road, London. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 3, 2, 116-126. 

Gaillard, B., Rodwell, D. 2015. A Failure of Process? Comprehending the Issues Fostering Heritage Conflict in Dresden Elbe Valley and Liverpool Maritime Mercantile City World Heritage Sites. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 6, 1, 16-40.

Harrison, M. 2017. Heritage Crime: Guidance for Sentencers. Historic England, Swindon.


Brown, J. W. 2015. St. Leonard’s Streatham: a guide to an ancient parish church that rose from the ashes after a fire in 1975. Local History Publications.

Henry, A., Glockling, J. 2017. Thatch Fires and the role of wood-burning stoves. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/thatch-fire-stoves/thatch-fire-stoves.htm.

Laranjeira, J.P.D.S., Cruz, H., Pinto, A.P.F., Pina dos Santos, C., Pereira, J.F. 2015. Reaction to Fire of Existing Timber Elements Protected With Fire Retardant Treatments: Experimental Assessment. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 9, 7, 866-882. 


Howard, A. J., Hancox, E., Hanson, J., Jackson,R. 2017. Protecting the Historic Environment from Inland

Flooding in the UK: Some Thoughts on Current Approaches to Asset Management in the Light of Planning Policy, Changing Catchment Hydrology and Climate Change. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 8, 2, 125-142. 

D’Ayala, D., Aktas, Y. D. 2016. Moisture dynamics in the masonry fabric of historic buildings subjected to winddriven rain and flooding. Building and Environment, 104, 208-220. Elsevier Ltd. 

Pickles, D. 2015. Flooding and Historic Buildings. Historic England, Swindon.

Ridout, B., McCaig, I. 2017. A Preliminary Study of Flood Remediation in Hebden Bridge and Appleby. Historic England, Swindon.

Stephenson, V., D’Ayala, D. 2014. A new approach to flood vulnerability assessment for historic buildings in England. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, 5, 1035-1048.

Natural erosion

Bromhead, E. N., Ibsen, M., Tapete, D. 2013. 19th and 20th century coastal military installations affected by coastal erosion in the UK. In Bilotta, E., Flora, A., Lirer, S., Viggiani, C. (eds). Geotechnical Engineering for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites. 191-198. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Oxford.

Dewanckele, J., De Kock, T., Fronteau, G., Derluyn, H., Vontobel, P., Dierick, M., Van Hoorebeke, L., Jacobs, P., Cnudde, V. 2014. Neutron radiography and X-ray computed tomography for quantifying weathering and water uptake processes inside porous limestone used as building material. Materials Characterization, 88, 86-99.

Gomez-Heras, M., McCabe, S. 2015. Weathering of stone-built heritage: A lens through which to read the Anthropocene. Anthropocene, 11, 1-13.

Menendez, B., David, C. 2013. The influence of environmental conditions on weathering of porous rocks by gypsum: a non-destructive study using acoustic emissions. Environmental Earth Sciences, 68, 6, 1691-1706.

Morris, B. 2014. In defence of oblivion: The case of Dunwich, Suffolk. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 20, 2, 196-216.

Tapete, D., Bromhead, E., Ibsen, M., Casagli, N. 2013. Coastal erosion and landsliding impact on historic sites in SE Britain. Landslide Science and Practice: Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation, 6, 451-458. 

Wilhelm, K., Viles, H., Burke, O., Mayaud, J. 2016. Surface hardness as a proxy for weathering behaviour of limestone heritage: a case study on dated headstones on the Isle of Portland, UK. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75, 931, 1-16.

Plant growth

Hanssen, S. V., Viles, H. A. 2014. Can plants keep ruins dry? A quantitative assessment of the effect of soft capping on rainwater flows over ruined walls. Ecological Engineering, 71, 173-179.

Rain entry

D’Ayala, D., Aktas, Y. D. 2016. Moisture dynamics in the masonry fabric of historic buildings subjected to winddriven rain and flooding. Building and Environment, 104, 208-220. Elsevier Ltd. 

Dewanckele, J., De Kock, T., Fronteau, G., Derluyn, H., Vontobel, P., Dierick, M., Van Hoorebeke, L., Jacobs, P.,

Cnudde, V. 2014. Neutron radiography and X-ray computed tomography for quantifying weathering and water uptake processes inside porous limestone used as building material. Materials Characterization, 88, 86-99.

Erkal, A., D’Ayala, D., Sequeira, L. 2012. Assessment of wind-driven rain impact, related surface erosion and surface strength reduction of historic building materials. Building and Environment, 57, 336-348. 

Hanssen, S. V., Viles, H. A. 2014. Can plants keep ruins dry? A quantitative assessment of the effect of soft capping on rainwater flows over ruined walls. Ecological Engineering, 71, 173-179.  

Laycock, E. A.,Wood, C. 2014. Understanding and controlling the ingress of driven rain through exposed, solid wall masonry structures. Geological Society Special Publication, 391, 1, 175-191.


Brown, A. 2014. Alarms for Church Roofs. Historic Churches. Online


Dishon, D. 2017. Metal Theft from Historic Buildings: Prevention, Response and Recovery. Historic England, Swindon.

Meng, B., Mueller, U., Garcia, O., Malaga, K. 2014. Performance of a New Anti-Graffiti Agent Used for Immovable Cultural Heritage Objects. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 8, 6, 820-834.

Heritage management (new topic)

Bakiewicz, J. 2015. Heritage interpretation challenges and management issues at film-induced tourism heritage attractions : case studies of Rosslyn Chapel and Alnwick Castle. PhD, Edinburgh Napier University. 

Bond, S., Worthing, D. 2016. Managing built heritage: The role of cultural values and significance: Second edition. Second Edition. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester.

Byfield, M., Mudalige, W., Morison, C., Stoddart, E. 2014. A review of Progressive Collapse research and regulations. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings, 167, 8, 447-456. 

Fair, A. 2017. The Conservation of Post-1945 Architecture in Great Britain. In Eckardt, F., Meier, H-R. & Scheuermann, I. (eds.). Welche Denkmale welcher Moderne? : Zum Umgang mit Bauten der 1960er und 70er Jahre, 206-216. Jovis, Berlin.

Fair, A. 2017. Post-War Theatre Architecture: Informed Conservation and Development. Edinburgh College of Art.

Lee, E. 2012. Everything We Know Informs Everything We Do: A Vision for Historic Environment Sector Knowledge and Information Management. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 3, 1, 28-41. 

Lee, E. 2015. Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment: MoRPHE Project Manger’s Guide. Historic England, Swindon.

Lloy-James, O. 2013. Making the most of your heritage assets. Historic England, Swindon.

Nwachukwu, C. V., Udeaja, C., Chileshe, N., Okere, C. E. 2017. The critical success factors for stakeholder management in the restoration of built heritage assets in the UK. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 35, 4, 304-331. 

Pickard, R. 2016. Setting the scene: the protection and management of cultural World Heritage properties in a national context. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 7, 2-3, 133-150.

Reynolds, L. H. 2016. Heritage on film: The impact on historic sites of drama filming for television and cinema. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 22, 1, 48-63. 

Smith, R. 2013. Monks, myths and multi-vocality : presenting the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey. PhD, University of Reading. 

Strlič, M., Thickett, D., Taylor, J., Cassar, M. 2013. Damage functions in heritage science. Studies in Conservation, 58, 2, 80-87.

Theodossopoulos, D. 2016. The need for conservation management in European 19th century urban housing. Proceedings for the Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, SAHC. 

University of Oxford ongoing. Populism, permutation and persuasion: Country house politics after 1950. Faculty of History, University of Oxford.

Vigneron, S. 2016. From local to World Heritage: a comparative analysis. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 7, 2-3, 115-132. 

Young, C. 2016. Understanding management in a World Heritage context: key current issues in Europe. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 7, 2-3, 189-201.


Heritage assessments

Bruno, S., Fatiguso, F. 2018. Building conditions assessment of built heritage in historic building information modeling. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 13, 1, 36-48. 

Devriendt, M., Palmer, E., Hill, R., Lazarus, D. 2013. Historic and non-historic building impact assessment methodology for major tunneling infrastructure projects. Bilotta, E., Flora, A., Lirer, S., Viggiani, C. (eds) .

Geotechnical Engineering for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites, 335-341. CRC Press, London. 

Franklin, G. 2017. Understanding Place: Historic Area Assessment. Historic England, Swindon.

Gillard, B. 2015. The effectiveness of the Church of England guidance for assessing significance. PhD, University of Plymouth. 

Mrak, I. 2014. Evaluation methods in the protection of built heritage. Gradevinar, 66, 2, 127-138.

Partington, Adam 2015. The Greater Lincolnshire Farmstead Assessment Framework: Guidelines for Best Practice. Historic England, Swindon.

Serafini, A. 2016. A database model for the analysis and assessment of historic timber roof structures. International Wood Products Journal, 8, 1, 3-8.

Non-intrusive methods (see also Digital methods)

Adamopoulos, E., Tsilimantou, E., Keramidas, V., Apostolopoulou, M., Karoglou, M., Tapinaki, S., Ioannidis, C., Georgopoulos, A., Moropoulou, A. 2017. Multi-sensor documentation of metric and qualitative information of historic stone structures. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, 4, 1-8.

Aicardi, I., Chiabrando, F., Grasso, N., Lingua, A.M., Noardo, F. and Spanò, A. 2016. UAV photogrammetry with oblique images: First analysis on data acquisition and processing. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, 41, 835-842. 

An, D. W. 2016. Characteristics and Utility of 3D Scandata for the Development of Survey Drawings in Wooden

Architectural Heritage: A Comparison of the Raw Survey Data Used in Survey Drawings. Journal Of Asian Architecture And Building Engineering, 15, 2, 161-167.

Andrews, D. P., Bedford, J., Bryan, P. G. 2013. A comparison of laser scanning and structure from motion as applied to the great barn at Harmondsworth, UK. International archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences. 5, 31-36. 

Bedford, J. 2017. Photogrammetric Applications for Cultural Heritage: Guidance for Good Practice. Historic England, Swindon.

Boardman, C. 2018. 3D Laser Scanning for Heritage: Advice and Guidance on the Use of Laser Scanning in Archaeology and Architecture. Historic England, Swindon.

Buglass, J. 2016. Historic Graffiti on the Tower of St. Oswald’s Church, Filey, North Yorkshire: recording and Interpretation. Historic England, Swindon.

Brusaporci, S., Maiezza, P., Tata, A. 2015. Handbook of research on emerging digital tools for architectural surveying, modeling, and representation [electronic resource]. Engineering Science Reference. 

De Fino, M., Scioti, A., Rubino, R., Fatiguso, F 2016. Assessment of historic buildings by radar techniques. Structural Survey, 34, 1, 73-94.

Fangi, G., Pierdicca, R., Sturari, M., Malinverni, E. S. 2018. Improving spherical photogrammetry using 360◦

OMNI-Cameras: Use cases and new applications. The International Archives of Photogrammetry. Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. ISPRS TC II Mid-term Symposium. Towards Photogrammetry 2020, 47 June 2018, Riva del Garda, Italy. 42, 2, 331-337.

Federman, A., Santana Quintero, M., Kretz, S., Gregg, J., Lengies, M., Ouimet, C., Laliberte, J. 2017. UAV photogrammetric workflows: A best practice guideline. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 42, 237-244.

Gonzalez Manich, C., Kelman, T., Coutts, F., Qiu, B., Murray, P., González-Longo, C., Marshall, S 2016. Exploring the use of image processing to survey and quantitatively assess historic buildings. Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: Anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, SAHC 2016, 125-132. 

Hamrouche, R., Klysz, G., Balayssac, J.l, Rhazi, J.l, Ballivy, G. 2012. Numerical Simulations and Laboratory Tests to Explore the Potential of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) in Detecting Unfilled Joints in Brick Masonry Structures. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 6, 6, 648-664. 

Lane, R. 2016. Understanding Historic Buildings: A Guide to Good Recording Practice. Historic England, Swindon.

Lopez-Gonzalez, L., De Cosca, O., Gomez-Heras, M.l, Garcia-Morales, S. 2016. A 4D GIS methodology to study variations in evaporation points on a heritage building. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75, 14, 1-9. 

Martinho, E., Dionisio, A. 2014. Main geophysical techniques used for non-destructive evaluation in cultural built heritage: a review. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 11, 5, 1-15.

Muoz, F., Pea, F., Meza, M.l 2014. Virtual Reality Models for the Structural Assessment of Architectural Heritage Buildings. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 8, 6, 783-794. 

Nebiker, S., Lack, N., Deuber, M. 2014. Building change detection from historical aerial photographs using dense image matching and object-based image analysis. Remote Sensing, 6, 9, 8310-8336. 

Tait, E., Laing, R., Grinnall, A., Burnett, S., Isaacs, J. 2016. (Re)presenting heritage: Laser scanning and 3D 

Climate change impacts

Agbota, H. 2014. Anticipating the unintended consequences of the decarbonisation of the historic built environment in the UK. Historic Environment: Policy and Practice, 5, 2, 101-115.

Brimblecombe, P., Lankester, P. 2013. Long-term changes in climate and insect damage in historic houses. Studies in Conservation, 58, 1, 13-22. 

Coles, T., Dinan, C., Warren, N. 2016. Carbon villains? Climate change responses among accommodation providers in historic premises. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 11, 1, 25-42.

Daly, C. 2016. The design of a legacy indicator tool for measuring climate change related impacts on built heritage. Heritage Science, 4, 1. BioMed Central Ltd. 

Fatoric, S., Seekamp, E. 2017. Are cultural heritage and resources threatened by climate change? A systematic literature review. Climatic Change, 142, 1-2, 227-254. 

Heathcote, J., Fluck, H., Wiggins, M. 2017. Predicting and Adapting to Climate Change: Challenges for the Historic Environment. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 8, 2, 89-100. 

Howard, A. J., Kincey, M., Carey, C. 2015. Preserving the legacy of historic metal-mining industries in light of the water framework directive and future environmental change in mainland Britain: Challenges for the heritage community. Historic Environment: Policy and Practice, 6, 1, 3-15. 

Howard, A. J., Knight, D., Gearey, B., Kluiving, S., Raab,T. 2017. The Impacts of Climate and Environmental Change on the Historic Environment. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 8, 2, 87-88. 

Lankester,P., Brimblecombe, P. 2012. The impact of future climate on historic interiors. Science of the Total Environment, 417–418, February, 248-254. 

McAllister, D. A. 2016. Environmental controls on sandstone decay : the impact of climate and changing dynamics. PhD, Queen’s University Belfast.

Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. 2013. The eco-refurbishment of a 19th Century terraced house: energy and cost performance for current and future UK climates. Buildings, 3, 220-224. 

Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. 2015. The eco-refurbishment of a 19th century terraced house : energy, carbon and cost performance for current and future UK climates. PhD, University of Liverpool.

Pendlebury, J., Hamza, N., Sharr, A. 2014. Conservation values, conservation-planning and climate change. DISP, 50, 3, 43-54.

Phillips, H. 2015. The capacity to adapt to climate change at heritage sites-The development of a conceptual framework. Environmental Science and Policy, 47, 118-125. 

Phillips, H. 2014. Adaptation to Climate Change at UK World Heritage Sites: Progress and Challenges. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 5, 3, 288-299. 

Phillipson, M. C., Emmanuel, R., Baker, P. H. 2016. The durability of building materials under a changing climate. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 7, 4, 590-599.

Rubio-Bellido, C., Pulido-Arcas, J. A., Cabeza-Lainez, J. M. 2015. Adaptation strategies and resilience to climate change of historic dwellings. Sustainability (Switzerland), 7, 4, 3695-3713.

Searle, D. E. 2012. Particulate-Induced Soiling on Historic Limestone Buildings: Insights and the Effects of Climate Change. In Booth, C. A., Hammon, F. N., Lammond, J. E., Proverbs, D. G. (eds). Solutions to Climate Change Challenges in the Built Environment, 181-191. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester.

European and global impacts

Bremner, G. A. ed. 2018. Architecture and Urbanism in the British Empire. Oxford History of the British Empire. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Bremner, G. A. 2018. The expansion of England? Rethinking Scotland’s place in the architectural history of the wider British world. Journal of Art Historiography, 18, 1-18.

Bremner, G. A. 2013. Imperial Gothic: Religious Architecture and High Anglican Culture in the British Empire, 1840-1870. Yale University Press, New Haven.

Charles, A. C. 2017. Deciphering the ‘Dutch houses’ : Netherlandish architectural influence in East Kent, 15501750. University of Kent.

Dresser, M., Hann, A. 2013. Slavery and the British Country House. Historic England.

Hague, S. G. 2015. The Gentleman’s House in the British Atlantic World 1680-1780. Palgrave, London.

Harris, J. 2016. On the Buses: Mobile Architecture in Australia ad the UK, 1973-75. Architectural His-tories. 4, 1, 5. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/ah.186.

Reed, C., Smith, K. Collaborating across Heritage and Higher Education to Reveal the Global History of Osterley Park House. In Finn, M., Smith, K. (eds). New Paths to Public Histories, 47-72. Palgrave, Basingstoke.

Thurlby, M. 2014. The Abbey Church of Lessay (Manche) and Romanesque Architecture in North-East England. The Antiquaries Journal, 94, 71-92. 

Research, Understanding and Protection


Bowe, M. 2013. Heritage studies: stories in the making. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 

Hyde,T. 2017. Is architectural history getting any bigger?. Arq : Architectural Research Quarterly, 21, 4, 347350.

Logan, W., Craith, M.N., Kockel, U. 2015. A companion to heritage studies. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester.

Lobovikov-Katz, A., Moropoulou, A., Konstanti, A., Calderón, P. O., Van Grieken, R., Worth, S., CassarJ., De Angelis, R., Biscontin, G.,Izzo, F. C. 2014. Tangible versus Intangible in e-Learning on cultural heritage: From online learning to on-site study of historic sites. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8740, 819-828.

Taylor, W.M. 2013. Iron, Engineering and Architectural History in Crisis: Following the Case of the River Dee Bridge Disaster, 1847. Archirtectural Histories, 1, 1, Art. 23. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/ah.ao.

Research methods (new category)

Archival methods

Clifford, H., Sweetmore, K. From Competition to Collaboration : Local Record Office and University Archives, and the Country House. In Finn, M. New Paths to Public Histories. Palgrave Pivot, Basingstoke.

Münster, S., Kamposiori, C., Friedrichs, K., Kröber, C. 2018. Image libraries and their scholarly use in the field of art and architectural history. International Journal on Digital Libraries, 19, 367–383.

Navickas, K. 2017. From Chartist Newspaper to digital map of grass-roots meetings, 1841-1844: documenting workflows. Journal of Victorian Culture, 22, 2, 232-247. 

Scott, P. Objects of distinction : the archives of Britain’s house-builders and household consumer durables producers. Business Archives, 107, 37-48.

Stobart, J. 2013. Inventories and the changing furnishings of Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire, 1717-1819. Regional Furniture, 27, 1-43.

Dating methods (see also Dendrochronology)

Bailiff, I.K. 2013. Luminescence dating of brick from Brixworth Church- re-testing by the Durham Laboratory. In

Parsons, D., Sutherland, D.S., The Anglo-Saxon Church of All Saints, Brixworth, Northamptonshire. Oxbow Books, Oxford, 243-250. 

Bayliss, A., Bronk Ramsey, C., Hamilton,D., van der Plicht, J., Cook, G. T., Tyers, C., Freeman, S. 2014. Cathedral

Church of St Peter and St Wilfred, Ripon, North Yorkshire Nave Roof and Ceiling: Wiggle-Match Radiocarbon Dating of Timbers. Historic England, Swindon.

Sanjurjo-Sanchez, J. 2016. Dating Historical Buildings: An Update on the Possibilities of Absolute Dating Methods. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 10, 5, 620-635. 

Wild, R., Moir, A. 2013. Key dating features for timber-framed dwellings in Surrey. Vernacular Architecture, 44, 46-61.

Digital methods (see also Survey)

Abdelmonem, M. G. 2017. Architectural and urban heritage in the digital age: Dilemmas of authenticity, originality and reproduction. Archnet-IJAR, 11, 3, 5-15.

Acierno, M.C.,Stefano, S., Davide, F.D. 2017. Architectural heritage knowledge modelling: An ontology-based framework for conservation process. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 24, 124-133. 

Antonopoulou, S. 2017. BIM for Heritage: Developing a Historic Building Information Model.  Historic England, Swindon.

Arayici, Y., Counsell, J., Mahdjoubi, L., Nagy, G.A., Hawas, S. and Dweidar, K. 2017. Heritage building information modelling [electronic resource]. Routledge, London. 

Bassier, M., Vergauwen, M., Van Genechten, B. 2017. Automated classification of heritage buildings for asbuilt bim using machine learning techniques. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences. 4, 25-30. 

Brookes, C. 2017. The Application of Building Information Modelling (BIM) within a Heritage Science Context. Historic England, Swindon.

Bruno, S., De Fino, M., Fatiguso, F. 2018. Historic Building Information Modelling: performance assessment for diagnosis-aided information modelling and management. Automation in Construction, 86, 256-276. 

Bruno, S., Fatiguso, F. 2018. Building conditions assessment of built heritage in historic building information modeling. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 13, 1, 36-48. 

Brusaporci, S., Maiezza, P., Tata, A. 2018. A framework for architectural heritage hbim semantization and development. 42, 179-184. 

Brusaporci, S., Maiezza, P., Tata, A. 2015. Handbook of research on emerging digital tools for architectural surveying, modeling, and representation [electronic resource]. Engineering Science Reference. 

Cacciotti, R. 2015. Integrated knowledge-based tools for documenting and monitoring damages to built heritage. 40, 57-63. 

Campi, M., Di Luggo, A., Scandurra, S. 2017. 3D modeling for the knowledge of architectural heritage and virtual reconstruction of its historical memory. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 42, 133-139.

Carlisle, P. K., Lee, E. S. 2013. Bringing it all together: Networking heritage inventories in England. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ISPRS Archives, 40, 5W2, 161-163. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

de Kleijn, M., Dias, E., Burgers, G. J. 2016. The digital cultural biography, a tool for interdisciplinary knowledge exchange on the history and heritage of the urban landscape. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 6, 1, 72-94. 

De la Fuente Pirouette, J., Perea, E.C., Arroyo, F.L. 2017. Augmented reality in architecture: Rebuilding archeological heritage. ISPRS – International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 42, 311-315. 

De Luca, L. 2014. Methods, formalisms and tools for the semantic-based surveying and representation of architectural heritage. Applied Geomatics, 6, 2, 115-139. 

Dore, C., Murphy, M., McCarthy, S., Brechin, F., Casidy, C., Dirix, E. 2015. Structural simulations and conservation analysis-historic building information model (HBIM). International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 40, 351-357.

Edinburgh College of Art 2014-2019. Tower Blocks – Our Blocks! A National Community Heritage Database for Postwar Mass Housing. Edinburgh College of Art.

Elwazani, S., Gandikota, S. 2017. Information flow settings in building rehabilitation. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 42, 209-214. 

Lee, J., Kim, Y. 2016. Applicability of 3DVE indicator for cultural heritage landscape management. 10058, 131143.

Llamas, J., Lerones, P., Medina, R., Zalama, E., Gomez-Garcia-Bermejo, J. 2017. Classification of Architectural Heritage Images Using Deep Learning Techniques. Applied Sciences, 7. 

Marsh, S. 2016. Reconstructing a historical temporary structure: Henry VIII’s pop-up-palace : Using a 3D engine to recreate the temporary palace from the field of cloth of Gold 1520. 2015 Digital Her-itage International Congress, Digital Heritage 2015, 0, 165-168.

Navickas, K. 2017. From Chartist Newspaper to digital map of grass-roots meetings, 1841-1844: documenting workflows. Journal of Victorian Culture, 22, 2, 232-247. 

Nebiker, S., Lack, N., Deuber, M. 2014. Building change detection from historical aerial photographs using dense image matching and object-based image analysis. Remote Sensing, 6, 9, 8310-8336. 

Noardo, F. 2018. Architectural heritage semantic 3D documentation in multi-scale standard maps. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 32, 156-165. 

Oreni, D. 2013. From 3D content models to HBIM for conservation and management of built heritage. International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications 2013 : Computational Science and Its Applications. 344-357.

Osello, A., Lucibello, G., Morgagni, F. 2018. HBIM and virtual tools: A new chance to preserve architectural heritage. Buildings, 8, 1-12.

Oses, N., Dornaika, F. 2013. Image-based delineation of built heritage masonry for automatic classification. International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition 2013: Image Analysis and Recognition. 782-789. 

Oses, N., Dornaika, F., Moujahid, A. 2014. Image-based delineation and classification of built heritage masonry. Remote Sensing, 6, 3, 1863-1889. 

Pocobelli, D.P., Boehm, J., Bryan, P., Still, J., Grau-Bove, J. 2018. BIM for heritage science: a review. Heritage Science, 6, 30, 1-15.

Prizeman, O. E. C. 2015. HBIM and matching techniques: Considerations for late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century buildings. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 21, 3, 145-159. 

Scott J., Laing, R., Hogg, G. 2013. Built heritage digitization: Opportunities afforded by emerging cloud based applications. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom, 2, 88-93.

Sou, L. 2016. A survey of the historic carvings at Carlisle Castle, Cumbria, using Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scans. Historic England, Swindon.

Tait, E., Laing, R., Grinnall, A., Burnett, S., Isaacs, J. 2016. (Re)presenting heritage: Laser scanning and 3D visualisations for cultural resilience and community engagement. Journal of Information Science, 42, 3, 420433.

Webb, N. 2017. Tracing the past: A digital analysis of Wells cathedral choir aisle vaults. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 4, 19-27. 

Webb, N., Buchanan, A. 2018. Tracing the Past: a digital analysis of the Lady Chapel vaults at Ely cathedral. Digital Heritage, New Realities: Authenticity & Automation in the Digital Age. 

Webb, N. 2017. Tracing the Past: A Digital Analysis of the North Transept and Chancel Vaults at Nantwich St Mary’s Church. Digital Past. 

Webb, N. 2016. Digital re-analysis of lost architecture and the particular case of Lutyens׳ Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 5, 2, 265-275. 

Webb, N. 2017. Tracing the Past: Establishing Tolerances when Investigating Medieval Vault Rib Geometries using Digital Tools. In Envisioning Architecture: Space/Time/Meaning, 30-37.

Wu, T. C., Lin, Y. C., Hsu, M. F., Zhenga, N. W., Chen, W. L. 2013. Improving traditional building repair construction quality using historic building information modeling concept. 40, 691-694. 

Yang, X., Koehl, M., Grussenmeyer, P., Macher, H. 2016. Complementarity of historic building information modelling and geographic information systems. 41, 437-443.

Historiography (See also Architectural historians)

Ara, D., Rashid, M. 2016. Imaging Vernacular Architecture: A Dialogue with Anthropology on Building Process. Architectural Theory Review, 21, 2, 172-195. 

Borden, I., Fraser, M., Penner, B. 2014. Forty Ways to Think About Architecture: Architectural History and Theory Today. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester.

Bremner, G. A. 2018. The expansion of England? Rethinking Scotland’s place in the architectural history of the wider British world. Journal of Art Historiography, 18, 1-18.

Buchanan, A. 2013. Robert Willis (1800-1875) and the Foundation of Architectural History. Boydell, Woodbridge. 

Buchanan, A. 2012. Building a monument: Willis, Clark and the architectural history of the University of Cambridge. Architectural History, 55, 145-172. 

Buchanan, A. 2017. ‘Complete, thorough, and undeniable’: Robert Willis and the architectural history of Canterbury Cathedral. In Bovey, A. ed. Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology at Canterbury, British Archaeological Association Conference Transactions 1-25. 

Buchanan, A. 2014. “All for information”: John Ruskin and architectural archaeology. Quintana, 13, 13, 35-61. Buchanan, A., Campbell, J.W.P., Girón, J., Huerta, S. 2016. Robert Willis: Science, Technology and Architecture in the Nineteenth Century. Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Gon-ville and Caius College, Cambridge UK 16th-17th September 2016. Instituto Juan de Herrera, Madrid.

Cohen, M. 2014. Conclusion: Ten Principles for the Study of Proportional Systems in the History of Architecture. Architectural Histories, 2, 1. 

Cohen, M. 2014. Introduction: Two Kinds of Proportion. Architectural Histories, 2, 1. 

Cole, S. 2017. Photographing historic buildings. Historic England, Swindon. 

Crawford, J. 2014. Aerofilms: A history of Britain from above. Historic England, Swindon.

Crinson, M. 2018. The Architecture of Art History: A Historiography. Bloomsbury Visual Arts, London. 

Engel, B. R. 2016. Ambichronous historiography : Colin Rowe and the teaching of architectural history. Journal of Art Historiography, 14, June, 1-22.

Erk, G. K., Uluoglu, B. 2013. Changing paradigms in space theories: Recapturing 20th century architectural history. Archnet-IJAR, 7, 1, 6-20. 

Geraghty, A. 2013. After Colvin’s Canterbury Quadrangle. In Airs, M., and Whyte, W. (eds). Architectural History after Colvin, 42-57. Shaun Tyas, Stamford.

Green, A., Dixon, J. 2016. Standing buildings and built heritage. Post-Medieval Archaeology, 50, 1, 121-133. 

Hultzsch, A. 2014. Architectural history from eye-level: Nikolaus Pevsner’s ‘Treasure Hunts’ in the Architectural Review, 1942. Journal of Architecture, 19, 3, 382-401.

Hultzsch, A. 2017. ‘To the great public’: the Architectural Image in the Early Illustrated London News. Architectural Histories. 5, 1, 9. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/ah.268.

Hyde,T. 2017. Is architectural history getting any bigger?. Arq : Architectural Research Quarterly, 21, 4, 347350. 

Kelly, J. 2013. To fan the ardour of the layman : J.M. Richards, The Architectural Review, and discourses of modernism in British architecture, 1933-1972. PhD, Middlesex University. 

Salama, A. M. 2017. Plurality and diversity in architectural and urban research. Archnet-IJAR, 11, 2, 1-5.

Steadman, P. 2016. Research in architecture and urban studies at Cambridge in the 1960s and 1970s : what really happened. Journal of Architecture, 21, 2, 291-306.

Thom, C. 2013. The Survey and housing. The Victorian (Journal of the Victorian Society), 44, 8-11.

Thompson, P. 2017. Researching and Writing about William Butterfield. Studies in Victorian Architecture & Design, 6. Victorian Society, London.

Willkens, D.S. 2016. Reading Words and Images in the Description(s) of Sir John Soane’s Museum. Architectural Histories. 4, 1, 5. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/ah.204.

Yusaf, S. 2014. Broadcasting buildings : architecture on the wireless, 1927-1945. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusets.

Oral history

McIntosh, A. 2014. ‘It was the heart of the town’ : two public monuments, cultural memory and oral histories in Walkden and Hastings. PhD, University of Brighton.

Quantitative historical methods

Dhanani, A. 2016. Suburban built form and street network development in London, 1880–2013 : An application of quantitative historical methods. Historical Methods : A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 49, 4, 230-243. 

Spatial analysis

Mezei, K., Briganti, C. 2013. The Domestic Space Reader. University of Toronto Press, Toronto.

Moore, B. P. 2014. Invisible architecture : ideologies of space in the nineteenth-century city. PhD, University of Manchester.

Navickas, K. 2017. From Chartist Newspaper to digital map of grass-roots meetings, 1841-1844: documenting workflows. Journal of Victorian Culture, 22, 2, 232-247. 

Navickas, K. 2019. The History of Public Space in England 1700-2000 (research project).

Slatter, R. L. 2017. A ‘more-than-architectural’ approach to Wesleyan space : how can material and spatial approaches to metropolitan Wesleyan Methodist practices provide insights into congregational experiences between 1851 and 1932?. PhD, UCL (University College London).

Structural analysis

Hume, I. 2013. Masonry Structures: Structural Investigation and Assessment. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/masonry-structures/masonrystructures.htm

Hume, I., Miller, J. 2015. Conservation compendium. Part 7: Imposed load in historic buildings: Assessing what is real. Structural Engineer, 93, 6, 40-43. 

Krzan, M., Gostic, S., Cattari, S., Bosiljkov,V. 2015. Acquiring reference parameters of masonry for the structural performance analysis of historical buildings. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 13, 1, 203-236. 

Miles, J. E. 2017. The potential of structural analysis in archaeological simulation and interpretation: a case study of medieval Winchester Cathedral precinct. PhD, University of Southampton. 

Serafini, A. 2016. A database model for the analysis and assessment of historic timber roof structures. International Wood Products Journal, 8, 1, 3-8.


Bennellick, D. 2014. The Role of the Heritage Lottery Fund in the Conservation of Historic Gardens and Designed Landscapes. Gardens & Landscapes in Historic Building Conservation, 283-289. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester.

Binney, M. 2015. Save Britain’s Heritage : 1975-2015 : the next forty years. Next 40 years, Save Britain’s Heritage, London. 

Cope, G. 2014. Towards understandings of visitor experiences and practices that shape new meanings of place at National Trust sites. PhD, University of the West of England, Bristol.

Davison, M. W. 2012. The first 50 years : a history of the Kingston upon Thames Society. Kingston upon Thames Society.

Foster, J. 2013. The Redbourne Garden Village Trust. Lincolnshire Past & Present, 94, Winter, 11-15. 

Gillard, B. 2015. The effectiveness of the Church of England guidance for assessing significance. PhD, University of Plymouth. 

Jeffery, R. 2014. Rescuing the Built Heritage of Dissenters, Recusants and Nonconformists : the Historic Chapels Trust. Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, 58, 155-169. 

Mackley, A. 2017. The restoration of Blythburgh Church, 1881-1906 : the dispute between the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings and the Blythburgh Church Restoration Committee. The Boydell Press, Martlesham.

McIntyre, L. 2015. A review of the Church of England’s management of medieval bishops’ palaces. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 21, 2, 85-97. 

Nwachukwu, C. V., Udeaja, C., Chileshe, N., Okere, C. E. 2017. The critical success factors for stakeholder management in the restoration of built heritage assets in the UK. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 35, 4, 304-331. 

Rodwell, D. 2012. The UNESCO World Heritage Convention, 1972-2012: Reflections and Directions. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 3, 1, 64-85. 

Thurley, S 2013. Men from the ministry : how Britain saved its heritage. Yale University Press, US.

West, J. 2016. The historic buildings and monuments commission for England 1984-2015: A personal essay. Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, 60, 10-17.

Winstanley, M. J., David, R., Whyte, I. D. 2016. Revealing Cumbria’s past : 150 years of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society. Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society.

Legislation and policy

Briscoe, J., Hall, S., Greaves, A, Edwards, M. 2016. Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 s. 26H Town and Country Planning Act 1990 s.192 certificate of lawfulness of proposed works.(United Kingdom). Journal of Planning & Environment Law, 2016, 4, 387-422. 

Hill, M. 2014. The faculty jurisdiction rules 2013: Simpler process, equal protection. Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 16, 1, 47-65.

Johns, C. 2014. Conservation Legislation in the UK. In Harney, M. Gardens & Landscapes in Historic Building Conservation, 261-270. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester.

Slade, D. J. 2018. The making of the National Planning Policy Framework : an investigation into the practices and (post)politics of doing pro-market planning reform in the UK central state. PhD, University of Liverpool.

Planning policy/guidance

Brennan, T. 2015. The Historic Environment and Site Allocations in Local Plans. Historic England Advice Note 3. Historic England, Swindon.

Brennan, T., Morrice, R. 2015. Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 1: The Historic Environment in Local Plans. Historic England, Swindon.

Briscoe, J., Hall, S., Greaves, A. 2016. Heritage assets: noise impact assessment officers’ powers to change planning conditions.(United Kingdom). Journal of Planning & Environment Law, 2016, 3, 241-261. 

Buckingham, S. 2015. Setting up a Listed Building Heritage Partnership Agreement: Historic England Advice Note 5. 

Charlotte, G. 2015. Guidance for Tendered Projects: Heritage Protection Commissions Programme. Historic England, Swindon.

Cole, J. 2015. Guidance on De-listing a Building. Historic England, Swindon.

Cowburn, S. 2015. E-Planning Standards for E-Consultation. Historic England, Swindon.

Cromack, T. 2015. Guidance for Grants Projects: Heritage Protection Commissions Programme. Historic England, Swindon.

Guy, M. 2016. Stopping the Rot: A Guide to Enforcement Action to Save Historic Buildings. Historic England, Swindon.

Harrison, M. 2017. Heritage Crime: Guidance for Sentencers. Historic England, Swindon.

Historic England. 2015. The Historic Environment in Local Plans: Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning: 1. Historic England, Swindon.

Historic England. 2015. Managing Significance in Decision-Taking in the Historic Environment: Heritage Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning: 2. Historic England, Swindon.

Historic England. 2015. Easy Access to Historic Buildings. Historic England, Swindon.

Historic England. 2015. Easy Access to Historic Landscapes. Historic England, Swindon.

Historic England. 2015. Listing War Memorials in England: A Guide for Volunteers. Historic England, Swindon.

Historic England. 2015. The Historic Environment and Site Allocations in Local Plans: Historic England Advice Note 3. Historic England, Swindon.

Historic England. 2015. Drawing up a Local Listed Building Consent Order: Historic England Advice Note 6. Historic England, Swindon.

Historic England. 2016. Heritage Champions Handbook. Historic England, Swindon.

Historic England. 2016. Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment: Historic England Advice Note 8. Historic England, Swindon.

Historic England. 2017. Managing Local Authority Heritage Assets: Advice for Local Government. Historic England, Swindon.

Howard, A. J., Hancox, E., Hanson, J., Jackson,R. 2017. Protecting the Historic Environment from Inland

Flooding in the UK: Some Thoughts on Current Approaches to Asset Management in the Light of Planning Policy, Changing Catchment Hydrology and Climate Change. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 8, 2, 125-142.

Kalman, H. 2014. Heritage planning : principles and process. Routledge, London. 

Khalaf, R. W. 2016. Distinguishing new architecture from old. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 7, 4, 321-339.  

Knight, D., McIntyre, L., Greenaway, L. 2015. Funding in Parish Churches. Historic Churches.


Love, J. 2014. Historic Parks and Gardens: The Planning System and Other Conservation Tools. In Harney, M. (ed). Gardens & Landscapes in Historic Building Conservation,  271-281. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester.

Morrice, R. 2016. Local Heritage Listing: Historic England Advice Note 7. Historic England, Swindon.

Morrice, R. 2016. Making Changes to Heritage Assets: Historic England Advice Note 2. Historic England, Swindon.

Morris, R. 2016. Conservation Area Designation, Appraisal and Management: Historic England Advice Note 1. Historic England, Swindon.

Mynors, C. 2014. Legal Protection for Structures, Trees and Wildlife. Gardens & Landscapes in Historic Building Conservation, 0, 291-300. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester.

Reeves, C. D. 2016. Policy for conservation of heritage railway signal boxes in Great Britain. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 7, 1, 43-59. 

Ripp, M., Rodwell, D. 2016. The governance of urban heritage. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 7, 1, 81-108.

Rolph, S. 2015. Pillars of the Community: The Transfer of Local Authority Heritage Assets. Historic England, Swindon.

Rowan, W. 2018. Streets for All: Advice for Highway and Public Realm Works in Historic Places. Historic England, Swindon.

Thomson, V. 2015. Briefing Note on National Listed Building Consent Orders. Historic England, Swindon.

Thomson, V. 2015. Drawing up a Local Listed Building Consent Order. Historic England Advice Note 6. Historic England, Swindon.

Thomson, V. 2015. Setting up a Listed Building Heritage Partnership Agreement. Historic England Advice Note 5. Historic England, Swindon.

Heritage values

Ahmed, Nazneen, GARNETT, Jane, GIDLEY, Ben, HARRIS, Alana, KEITH, Michael 2016. Shifting markers of identity in East London’s diasporic religious spaces. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39, 2, 223-242. 

Andersson, J. 2012. Heritage Discourse and the Desexualisation of Public Space: The “Historical Restorations” of Bloomsbury’s Squares. Antipode, 44, 4, 1081-1098. 

Ayers, B. 2017. The parish churches of Norwich north of the River Wensum: city, community, architecture and antiquarianism. Church Archaeology, 18, 1-20. 

Azmi, N. F., Ahmad,F., Ali, A. S. 2015. Heritage place inventory: A tool for establishing the significance of places. Journal of Design and Built Environment, 15, 1, 15-23. 

Bell, H. 2012. Values in the conservation and regeneration of post-war listed public housing : a study of Spa Green, London and Park Hill, Sheffield. PhD, University of Sheffield. 

Bennett, L. 2017. In the ruins of the Cold War bunker : affect, materiality and meaning making. Rowman & Littlefield International, Lanham. 

Blackwell, T.Kohl, S. 2018. Urban heritages: How history and housing finance matter to housing form and homeownership rates. Urban Studies. 55, 16, 3669-3688. 

Blundell Jones, P. 2012. History on the margin: Unravelling the changing fortunes of a Devon house and its relation to the locality. Journal of Architecture, 17, 2, 191-212. 

Bond, S., Worthing, D. 2016. Managing built heritage: The role of cultural values and significance: Second edition. Second Edition. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester.

Borden, I. 2016. The Limehouse Link: the architectural and cultural history of a monumental road tunnel in London’s Docklands. Journal of Architecture, 21, 4, 651-675. 

Brennan, T., Morrice, R. 2015. Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 2: Managing Significance in Decision-Taking in the Historic Environment. Historic England, Swindon.

Brigden, T. G. 2014. The protected vista : an intellectual and cultural history, as seen from Richmond Hill. University of Newcastle upon Tyne. PhD, Newcastle University.

Brittain-Catlin, T. 2014. Bleak Houses: Disappointment and Failure in Architecture. MIT Press, Boston MA. 

Brown, A. 2016. Statements of Significance: The View from Historic England. The Building Conservation Directory. Online <https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/statements-of-significance/statements-ofsignificance.htm>.

Byrne, Katherine, 1978-. 2014. Adapting heritage : Class and conservatism in Downton Abbey. Rethinking History, 18, 3. 

Carter, M. Lindfield, P. N., Townshend, D. 2017. Writing Britain’s Ruins. British Library Publishing, London. 

Cohen, S. 2015. Sites of popular music heritage [electronic book] : memories, histories, places. Routledge. New York

Cohen, S. 2018. Liverpool’s Musical Landscapes. Historic England, Swindon.

Convery, I., Corsane, G.r, Davis, P. N. 2014. Making sense of place : multidisciplinary perspectives. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge. 

Cope, G. 2014. Towards understandings of visitor experiences and practices that shape new meanings of place at National Trust sites. PhD, University of the West of England, Bristol.

Creighton, O., Cunningham, P., French, H. 2013. Peopling polite landscapes : community and heritage at Poltimore, Devon. Landscape History, 34, 2, 61 – 86.

Dakers, C. 2018. Fonthill recovered : a cultural history. UCL Press, London.

Dresser, M., Hann, A. 2013. Slavery and the British Country House. Historic England.

Emmons, P., Hendrix, J., Lomholt, J. 2012. The cultural role of architecture: Contemporary and historical perspectives. Routledge, Abingdon.

Faculty of History, University of Oxford ongoing. Housing, Culture and Women’s Citizenship in Britain, c.1945 to the present. Faculty of History, University of Oxford. 

Fieber, K. D., Mills, J. P., Peppa, M. V., Haynes, I., Turner, S., Turner, A., Douglas, M., Bryan, P. G. 2017. Cultural heritage through time: A case study at Hadrian’s Wall, United Kingdom. International Archives of the

Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ISPRS Archives, 42, 2W3, 297-302. 

Forster, A. M., Vettese-Forster, S., Borland, J. 2012. Evaluating the cultural significance of historic graffiti. Structural Survey, 30, 1, 43-64.

Franklin, G. 2015. Old Oak: Outline Historic Area Assessment. Historic England, Swindon.

Franklin, G. 2017. Understanding Place: Historic Area Assessment. Historic England, Swindon.

Gibbeson, C. F. 2018. After the asylum : place, value and heritage in the redevelopment of historic former asylums. PhD, Newcastle University. 

Gillard, B. 2015. The effectiveness of the Church of England guidance for assessing significance. PhD, University of Plymouth. 

Goldstein, B. 2017. Obsolescence: An Architectural History. Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum, 24, 1, 100-102.

Grenville, J. 2015. Ontological security in a post-crash world-a tale of two Yorkshire cities. Heritage and Society, 8, 1, 43-59. 

Hicks, G. 2015. Parliament square: The making of a political space. Landscapes (United Kingdom), 16, 2, 164181. 

Howard, C., Taylor, S. 2016. The Church and Chapel Interiors of John Loughborough Pearson: A Selective Assessment of their Significance. Historic England, Swindon.

Inge, J. 2017. Sacred Space and Community. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/sacred-space/sacred-space.htm

Jessop, L., Whitfield, M., Davison, A. 2017. The Time Ball, The Guildhall, Kingston-upon-Hull: History, Context and Significance. Historic England, Swindon.

Joseph, A., Kearns, R., Moon, G. 2013. Re-Imagining Psychiatric Asylum Spaces through Residential Redevelopment: Strategic Forgetting and Selective Remembrance. Housing Studies, 28, 1, 135-153. 

Kamel-Ahmed, E. 2015. What to conserve? : Heritage, memory, and management of meanings. Archnet-IJAR, 9, 1, 67-76. 

Knox, P. L. 2015. London : architecture, building and social change. Merrell Publishers Ltd, London.

McIntosh, A. 2014. ‘It was the heart of the town’ : two public monuments, cultural memory and oral histories in Walkden and Hastings. PhD, University of Brighton.

Menuge, A. 2015. 2 Love Lane/64 West Street, 57 West Street/64-66 Bridge Street, and associated buildings on West Street, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland: History, investigation, analysis and assessment of significance. Historic England, Swindon.

Merlino, K. R. 2014. Historic preservation and sustainable communities: [Re]evaluating significance: The environmental and cultural value in older and historic buildings. Public Historian, 36, 3, 70-85. 

Minnis, J. 2015. Religion and Place in Leeds. Historic England, Swindon.

Moss, J. 2016. Conservation of buildings from the recent past : an investigation into England’s legacy of postwar social housing and its heritage value. PhD, University of Leicester. 

Mrak, I. 2014. Evaluation methods in the protection of built heritage. Gradevinar, 66, 2, 127-138.

Oglethorpe, M. 2014. The Rolt Memorial Lecture: The public benefit of industrial heritage – taking a positive view. Industrial Archaeology Review, 36, 2, 85-96. 

Partington, Adam 2015. The Greater Lincolnshire Farmstead Assessment Framework: Guidelines for Best Practice. Historic England, Swindon.

Pereira, D., Marker, B. 2016. The value of original natural stone in the context of architectural heritage. Geosciences (Switzerland), 6, 13, 1-9. 

Reed, C., Smith, K. Collaborating across Heritage and Higher Education to Reveal the Global History of Osterley Park House. In Finn, M., Smith, K. (eds). New Paths to Public Histories, 47-72. Palgrave, Basingstoke.

Reynolds, L. H. 2016. Heritage on film: The impact on historic sites of drama filming for television and cinema.

Journal of Architectural Conservation, 22, 1, 48-63. 

Roberts, B. K. 2014. Region and Place: A study of English rural settlement. Historic England, Swindon.

Roberts, R. 2015. ‘The Untold Story’ : The mediated female ghost in England’s Blenheim Palace. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 18, 1, 35-51.

Shasore, N. 2016. Architecture and the public in interwar Britain. PhD, University of Oxford.

Stones, S. 2016. The value of heritage: urban exploration and the historic environment. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 7, 4, 301-320.

Thom, C. 2015. “Save St Paul’s!” Historic monuments as symbols of endurance in the London Blitz.’ In Calvano T., Forti M. Musei e Monumenti in Guerra 1939-1945 Londra Parigi Roma Berlino, 167-182. Musei Vaticani, Vatican City.

University of York 2016. St Stephen’s Chapel Westminster Visual and Political Culture 1292 to 1941. University of York, York.

Vigneron, S. 2016. From local to World Heritage: a comparative analysis. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 7, 2-3, 115-132. 

Walter, N. 2014. From values to narrative: A new foundation for the conservation of historic buildings. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 20, 6, 634-650.

Walter, N. 2017. ‘To live is to change’ : tradition, narrative and community in the conservation of church buildings. PhD, University of York, York. 

Wells, E. J. 2018. Those Walls Can Talk! The Importance of Buildings to History. History Today. https://www.historytoday.com/history-matters/those-walls-can-talk.

Whyte, W. 2017. Unlocking the Church. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 

Wilkinson, P. 2018. A History of England in 100 Places: Irreplaceable. Historic England, Swindon.

Yarker, S. 2016. Social housing as built heritage: The presence and absence of affective heritage. In Divya P. Tolia-Kelly, Emma Waterton, Steve Watson (eds) Heritage, Affect and Emotion: Politics, Practices and Infrastructures, 237-254. Routledge, London and New York. 

Economic and social

Yung, E. H. K., Yu, P. L. H., Chan, E. H. W. 2013. Economic valuation of historic properties: review and recent developments. Property Management, 31, 4, 335-358.

Civic Amenities

Flood and erosion defence

Howard, A. J., Hancox, E., Hanson, J., Jackson,R. 2017. Protecting the Historic Environment from Inland

Flooding in the UK: Some Thoughts on Current Approaches to Asset Management in the Light of Planning Policy, Changing Catchment Hydrology and Climate Change. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 8, 2, 125-142.

Ridout, B., McCaig, I. 2017. A Preliminary Study of Flood Remediation in Hebden Bridge and Appleby. Historic England, Swindon.

Health and wellbeing

Codinhoto, R. 2017. Architecture: Healing architecture. In E. Tsekleves, & R. Cooper (eds.), Design for Health, 111-153. Routledge, London.

Reiling, J. 2017. The Medical Aspects of the Modern “Sky Scraper”. JAMA, 317, 5, 54. 

Heating/introduction of services

Makrodimitri, M. 2017. Sustainability and heritage conservation : a study of the problems of heating and thermal comfort in churches in the UK. University of Cambridge.

Palmer, M., West, I. 2016. Technology in the Country House. Historic England, Swindon.

Roberts, B. 2013. 19th-century Radiators and Heating Systems. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/heating-systems/heating-systems.htm.

Vane, M. S. 2014. Church Lighting. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/lighting-historic-churches/lighting-historic-churches.htm.

Room use and circulation (see also Users)

Burg, J. A. 2017. “Remember where you are!” : the use of English cathedrals as sites of theatrical performance, 1928-2015. PhD, University of Birmingham.

John, E. 2013. Drawing rooms, dining rooms and parlours in the homes of London’s middling sorts 1740-1810. Regional Furniture, 27, 141-155.

Kanagasapapathy, G. 2017. Understanding the flow experiences of heritage tourists. PhD, Bournemouth University.

Willoughby, J. 2012. Inhabited Sacristies in Medieval England: the Case of St Mary’s, Warwick. The Antiquaries Journal, 92, 331-345.

Reuse (new category, see also Users, Regeneration)

Bird, A. 2016. A history of Brockham Park : from gentleman’s residence to award-winning laboratory. Cockerell Press.

Blundell Jones, P. 2012. History on the margin: Unravelling the changing fortunes of a Devon house and its relation to the locality. Journal of Architecture, 17, 2, 191-212. 

Blunn, R., Grady, K. J. F., Taylor, H. A. 2012. Redevelopment of Drapers’ Gardens, London. Structural Engineer, 90, 4, 22-28. 

Bowlt, C. 2014. The archaeology and history of a house (1400-1985) at Ruislip, Middlesex, Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, 2014, 58-63.

Burg, J. A. 2017. “Remember where you are!” : the use of English cathedrals as sites of theatrical performance, 1928-2015. PhD, University of Birmingham.  

Champion, M. 2015. Medieval Graffiti: The Lost Voices of England’s Churches. Ebury Press, London. 

Cohen, S. 2015. Sites of popular music heritage [electronic book] : memories, histories, places. Routledge. New York

Cohen, S. 2018. Liverpool’s Musical Landscapes. Historic England, Swindon.

Crompton, A. 2012. Manchester Black and Blue. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 89, 1, 277-291. 

Daryl, M. 2012. Producing spaces : neoliberalization in the North of England. University of York, York.

Davies, M 2017. Dispersal: Picturing urban change in east London. Historic England.

Davies, P. 2015. A Yorkshire Yeoman’s house through the ages: the story of Field Head, Dodworth. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Davis, J. 2018. The resilience of a London Great Estate: urban development, adaptive capacity and the politics of stewardship. Journal of Urbanism, 11, 103-127. 

Davis, J. 2016. The making and remaking of Hackney Wick, 1870-2014: from urban edgeland to Olympic fringe. Planning Perspectives, 31, 3, 425-457. 

Deakin, E. L. 2016. A critical analysis of the continued use of Georgian buildings : a case study of Darley Abbey Mills, Derbyshire. University of Derby. 

Dean, C. 2014. Establishing the Tate Modern Cultural Quarter : social and cultural regeneration through art and architecture. London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London). 

Dou, P. 2013. Liberated urban flexibility : coordinated flexibility factors in the performance of the 19th century British terraced housing. PhD, University of Cambridge.

Edwards, B. 2017. Barns: Use, Re-use and Misconceptions. The Building Conservation Directory. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/barns/barns.htm.

Garmston, H. M. 2017. Decision-making in the selection of retrofit facades for non-domestic buildings. PhD, University of Plymouth. 

Gibbeson, C. F. 2018. After the asylum : place, value and heritage in the redevelopment of historic former asylums. PhD, Newcastle University. 

Hardwick, K. 2013. Lower Ashes, Stansfield, Revisited : 1614-2013. Transactions of the Halifax Antiquarian Society, 21.

Haslam, R., Thompson, G. 2016. ‘An immense and exceedingly commodious goods station’ : the archaeology and history of the Great Northern Railway’s goods yard at King’s Cross, 1849 to the present day. Pre-Construct Archaeology, Ltd, London.

Hetherington, P. 2015. Whose land is our land? The use and abuse of Britain’s forgotten acres. Policy Press, Bristol.

Hicks, G. 2015. Parliament square: The making of a political space. Landscapes (United Kingdom), 16, 2, 164181. 

Hill, G. B. 2016. Alderley Park discovered : history, wildlife, pharmaceuticals. Carnegie Publishing Ltd, Lancaster.

Hill, J. 2013. Weather architecture. Routledge, London.

Holyoak, V., Tunnicliffe, S. 2017. The Adaptive Reuse of Traditional Farm Buildings : Historic England Advice Note 9. Historic England, Swindon.

Hong, Y. 2017. Evaluating the adaptive reuse potential of buildings in conservation areas. Facilities, 35, 3/4, 202-219. 

Joseph, A., Kearns, R., Moon, G. 2013. Re-Imagining Psychiatric Asylum Spaces through Residential Redevelopment: Strategic Forgetting and Selective Remembrance. Housing Studies, 28, 1, 135-153. 

Kronenburg, R. H. 2015. Flexible Architecture: Continuous and Developing. In B. Kolarevic, & V. Parlac (eds.), Building Dynamics: Exploring Architecture of Change, 29-42. 

Mengüşoğlu, N., Boyacioğlu, E. 2013. Reuse of industrial built heritage for residential purposes in Manchester (1). Metu Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 30, 1, 117-138.

Mısırlısoy, D., Günçe, K. 2016. Adaptive reuse strategies for heritage buildings: A holistic approach. Sustainable Cities and Society, 26, 91-98. 

Payne, B. 2014. Shared Space: Extending the Use of Churches in Oxfordshire. Historic Churches. Online https://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/extending-use/extending-use.htm. 

Pickles, D. 2017. Adapting Traditional Farm Buildings: Best Practice Guidelines for Adaptive Reuse. Historic England, Swindon.

Research Centre for Museums and Galleries, University of Leicester. 2013. Cultural activity within historic houses. Research Centre for Museums and Galleries. University of Leicester. 

Small, F. 2014. All Hallows, Kent: A Second World War Oil QF Bombing Decoy. Historic England, Swindon.

Watts, P. 2016. Up in smoke : the failed dreams of Battersea Power Station. Paradise Road, Richmond.

Wharton, A. J. 2015. Architectural Agents: The Delusional, Abusive, Addictive Lives of Buildings. University of Minnesota Press, Minnesota.

Regeneration (new category)

Bell, H. 2012. Values in the conservation and regeneration of post-war listed public housing : a study of Spa Green, London and Park Hill, Sheffield. PhD, University of Sheffield. 

Campkin, B. 2013. Remaking London: Decline and Regeneration in Urban Culture. The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London.

Davison, K., Russell, J. 2017. Disused religious space: Youth participation in built heritage regeneration. Religions, 8, 6. 

Dean, C. 2014. Establishing the Tate Modern Cultural Quarter : social and cultural regeneration through art and architecture. London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London). 

Gibbeson, C. F. 2018. After the asylum : place, value and heritage in the redevelopment of historic former asylums. PhD, Newcastle University. 

Hussein, M. M. F. 2015. Urban regeneration and the transformation of the urban waterfront : a case study of Liverpool waterfront regeneration. PhD, University of Nottingham.

McKane, A. 2012. Tate Liverpool as a force for social renewal? : a critical study of art museum education, expansion and urban change (1988-2008). PhD, University of Liverpool.

Mengüşoğlu, N., Boyacioğlu, E. 2013. Reuse of industrial built heritage for residential purposes in Manchester (1). Metu Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 30, 1, 117-138.

Pater, C. 2016. The Assessment and Management of Marine Archaeology in Port and Harbour Development. Historic England, Swindon.

Reeve, A., Shipley, R. 2013. Assessing the effectiveness of the Townscape Heritage initiative in regeneration. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 6, 2, 189-210. 

Reeve, A., Shipley, R. 2014. Heritage-based regeneration in an age of austerity: Lessons from the townscape heritage initiative. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 7, 2, 122-135.

Roberts, D. J. 2016. Make public : performing public housing in regenerating east London. PhD, UCL (University College London). 

Song, S. 2013. The effectiveness of regeneration policy in historic urban quarters in England (1997-2010). PhD, University of Nottingham.

Watts, P. 2016. Up in smoke : the failed dreams of Battersea Power Station. Paradise Road, Richmond.

White, R. H. 2016. Any old iron? Marketing models and sustainable regeneration in Ironbridge. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 7, 2-3, 213-223.

Social, political, ethnic and gender identities

Ahmed, Nazneen, GARNETT, Jane, GIDLEY, Ben, HARRIS, Alana, KEITH, Michael 2016. Shifting markers of identity in East London’s diasporic religious spaces. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39, 2, 223-242.

Hicks, G. 2015. Parliament square: The making of a political space. Landscapes (United Kingdom), 16, 2, 164181.

Holcombe, L. 2013. Modernisation in the metropolis : interiors, gender and luxury in the Regent Palace Hotel (1888-1935). Phd, Kingston University.

Jones, J. F. 2013. Dances of life and death : interpretations of early modern religious identity from rural parish chuches and their landscapes along the Hampshire/Sussex border 1500-1800. PhD, University of Southampton.

Sustainability (new category, see also Climate change impacts, Regeneration)

Adams, C., Douglas-Jones, R., Green, A., Lewis, Q., Yarrow, T. 2014. Building with history: Exploring the relationship between heritage and energy in institutionally managed buildings. Historic Environment: Policy and Practice, 5, 2, 167-181.

Agkathidis, A. 2018. Sustainable Retrofits: Post War Residential Towers in Britain. Routledge, London.

Akande, Oluwafemi Kehinde 2015. Energy Performance and Improvement Potentials for Selected Heritage Building Adaptation in England. British Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 5, 3, 189-201. 

Akande, Oluwafemi Kehinde 2014. Energy efficiency for sustainable reuse of public heritage buildings: The case for research. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 9, 2, 237-250.

Akande, Oluwafemi Kehinde 2015. Factors influencing operational energy performance and refurbishment of UK listed church buildings : towards a strategic management framework. PhD, Anglia Ruskin University.

Aktas, Y. D., D’Ayala, D., Erkal, A., Stephenson,V. 2015. Environmental performance assessment using monitoring and DVS testing. Proceedings of the ICEEngineering History and Heritage, 168, 1, 3-16. 

Atkinson, J. K. 2014. Environmental conditions for the safeguarding of collections: A background to the current debate on the control of relative humidity and temperature. Studies in Conservation, 59, 4, 205-212.

Berg, F., Flyen, A.C., Godbolt, Å.L., Broström, T. 2017. User-driven energy efficiency in historic buildings: A review. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 28, 188-195. 

Brooks, E., Law, A., Huang, L. 2014. A comparative analysis of retrofitting historic buildings for energy efficiency in the UK and China. DISP, 50, 3, 66-75. 

Caroline, C. 2017. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Heat Pumps. Historic England.

Carroll, R. 2012. Ryder: Sustainable Architecture. RIBA Publishing, London.

Crockford, D. 2014. Sustaining Our Heritage: The Way Forward for Energy-Efficient Historic Housing Stock. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 5, 2, 196-209. 

Daly, C. 2016. The design of a legacy indicator tool for measuring climate change related impacts on built heritage. Heritage Science, 4, 1. BioMed Central Ltd. 

De Berardinis, P., Bartolomucci, C., Capannolo, L., De Vita, M., Laurini, E., Marchionni, C. 2018. Instruments for assessing historical built environments in emergency contexts: Non-destructive techniques for sustainable recovery. Buildings, 8, 2. 

Erkal, A., D’Ayala, D., Stephenson, V. 2013. Evaluation of environmental impact on historical stone masonry through on-site monitoring appraisal. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 46, 4, 449458. 

Forster, A. M., Fernie, S., Carter, K., Walker, P., Thomson, D. 2015. Innovation in low carbon construction technologies. Structural Survey, 33, 1, 52-72.

Fouseki, K., Cassar, M. 2014. Energy Efficiency in Heritage Buildings: Future Challenges and Research Needs. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 5, 2, 95-100. 

Gharib, R. Y. 2014. Sustainable assessment tool of historic centers: The cases of Bath and Cambridge. ArchnetIJAR, 8, 1, 108-119. 

Gigliarelli, E., Calcerano, F., Cessari, L. 2016. Implementation Analysis and Design for Energy Efficient Intervention on Heritage Buildings. Ioannides M. et al. (eds) Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. EuroMed 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10058, 91103.

Guerrero Baca, L.F., Soria López, F.J. 2018. Traditional architecture and sustainable conservation. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 8, 2, 194-206. 

Hargreaves, A. 2017. Forecasting how residential urban form affects the regional carbon savings and costs of retrofitting and decentralized energy supply. Applied Energy, 186, 3, 549-561.

Heathcote, J., Fluck, H., Wiggins, M. 2017. Predicting and Adapting to Climate Change: Challenges for the Historic Environment. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 8, 2, 89-100. 

Herrera Gutierrez-Avellanosa, D. 2016. Energy efficiency improvements in traditional buildings : exploring the role of user behaviour in the hygrothermal performance of solid walls. PhD, Robert Gordon University.

Kayan, B. A. 2013. Green maintenance for historic masonry buildings : a life cycle assessment approach. PhD, Heriot-Watt University. 

Kayan, B. A., Forster, A. M., Banfill, P. F. G. 2016. Green Maintenance for historic masonry buildings: an option appraisal approach. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 5, 2, 143-164. 

Lucchi, E., Tabak, M., Troi, A. 2017. The “Cost Optimality” Approach for the Internal Insulation of Historic Buildings. Energy Procedia, 133, 412-423. 

Makrodimitri, M. 2017. Sustainability and heritage conservation : a study of the problems of heating and thermal comfort in churches in the UK. University of Cambridge.

Makrodimitri, M., CampbellJ. W. P., Steemers, K. 2012. Sustainability and heritage conservation: Assessment of environmental performance and energy management for historic churches. 12, 353-364. 

Marie Stuart, C. 2014. Managing or driving change? Establishing consensus of opinion on improving the energy efficiency of historic buildings. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 5, 2, 182-195. 

Martínez-Molina, A., Tort-Ausina, I., Cho, S., Vivancos, J.L. 2016. Energy efficiency and thermal comfort in historic buildings: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 61, 70-85.

McAllister, D. A. 2016. Environmental controls on sandstone decay : the impact of climate and changing dynamics. PhD, Queen’s University Belfast.

McCaig, I 2018. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: How to Improve Energy Efficiency. Historic England, Swindon.

Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. 2013. The eco-refurbishment of a 19th Century terraced house: energy and cost performance for current and future UK climates. Buildings, 3, 220-224. 

Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. 2015. The eco-refurbishment of a 19th century terraced house : energy, carbon and cost performance for current and future UK climates. PhD, University of Liverpool.

Moran, F. 2014. Benchmarking the energy use of historic dwellings in Bath and the role for retrofit and LZC technologies to reduce CO2 emissions. PhD, University of Bath. 

Moran, F., Blight, T., Natarajan, S., Shea, A. 2014. The use of Passive House Planning Package to reduce energy use and CO 2 emissions in historic dwellings. Energy and Buildings, 75, 216-227. 

Moran, F., Natarajan, S. 2015. PV in historic dwellings: The potential to reduce domestic CO2 emissions. Journal of Building Engineering, 3, 70-78. 

Moran, F., Natarajan, S., Nikolopoulou, M. 2012. Developing a database of energy use for historic dwellings in Bath, UK. Energy and Buildings, 55, 218-226.

Morris, B. 2014. In defence of oblivion: The case of Dunwich, Suffolk. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 20, 2, 196-216.

Munarim, U., Ghisi, E. 2016. Environmental feasibility of heritage buildings rehabilitation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 58, 235-249.

Newman, C. 2017. Reducing Energy Use in Traditional Dwellings: Analysis of Four Solid Wall Houses in Reading. Historic England, Swindon.

Norrström, H. 2013. Sustainable and Balanced Energy Efficiency and Preservation in Our Built Heritage. Sustainability, 5, 6, 2623-2643.

Onoufriou, T., Kyriakides, M. A., Berberidis, K., Chryssanthopoulos, M. K., Kalis, A. 2012. SmartENSmart management for sustainable built environment including bridges, structures and infrastructure systems. Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, 290-297. 

Pankhurst, C., Harris, A. 2013. Conservation and Innovation: The Challenge of ‘Eco’ Renovation in Heritage Buildings. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 19, 1, 18-34.

Pelsmakers, S. 2017. Recent Approaches to Sustainable Retrofit of Victorian Houses. In Guillery, P., Kroll, D. Mobilising housing histories : learning from London’s past, 177-191. RIBA Publishing, London.

Perez-Monserrat, E. M., Varas-Muriel, M. J., De Buergo, A., Fort, R. 2016. Black layers of decay and color patterns on heritage limestone as markers of environmental change. Geosciences (Switzerland), 6, 4, 1-15.

Pickles, D. 2015. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Advice for Domestic Energy Assessors and Green Deal Advisors. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2015. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Energy Performance Certificates. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2015. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating Pitched Roofs at Rafter Level. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2015. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating Timber-framed Walls. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2016. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Draught-proofing Windows and Doors. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2016. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating Early Cavity Walls. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2016. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating Pitched Roofs at Ceiling Level. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2016. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating Dormer Windows. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2016. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating Flat Roofs. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2016. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating Solid Ground Floors. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2016. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating Solid Walls. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2016. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating Thatched Roofs. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2016. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating Suspended Timber Floors. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2016. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Open Fires, Chimneys and Flues. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2016. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Secondary Glazing for Windows. Historic England, Swindon.

Pickles, D. 2017. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Application of Part L of the Building Regulations to Historic and Traditionally Constructed Buildings. Historic England, Swindon.

Po’leary, T., Duffy, A., Menzies, G. 2016. Using hygrothermal analysis in the sustainable renovation of historic buildings. Central Europe Towards Sustainable Building 2016: Innovations for Sustainable Future, 237-244. 

Schibuola, L.i, Scarpa, M., Tambani, C. 2018. Innovative technologies for energy retrofit of historic buildings: An experimental validation. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 30, 147-154.

Seirafi, S., Fouseki. K. Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Development in Sacred Places: Towards a New Approach. In Albert M. T., Bandarin F., Pereira Roders A. (eds). Going Beyond. Perceptions of Sustainability in Heritage Studies No. 2, 115-131. Springer, Cham.

Smith, O. 2014. Balancing Heritage and Environmental Policies for Sustainable Refurbishment of Historic Buildings: The Case of New Court, Trinity College, Cambridge. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 5, 2, 116-131. 

Suhr, M., Hunt, R. 2019. Old house eco handbook a practical guide to retrofitting for energy-efficiency and sustainability. White Lion Publishing.

Sunikka-Blank, M., Galvin, R. 2016. Irrational homeowners? How aesthetics and heritage values influence thermal retrofit decisions in the United Kingdom. Energy Research and Social Science, 11, 97-108. 

Troi, A., Bastian, Z. 2015. Energy efficiency solutions for historical buildings: a handbook. Birkhauser, Basel.

UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage ongoing. Displaying the Public View on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings. UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage. 

Villacampa, A., Brebbia, C. A. 2013. Energy efficiency in heritage friendly buildings: A case study in the New Forest (UK). 176, 157-169. 

Watson, M. 2016. Rewarding the green: Inadvertent and intended impact on industrial heritage. CESB 2016 Central Europe Towards Sustainable Building 2016: Innovations for Sustainable Future, 0, 481-488. Grada Publishing.

Webb, A. L. 2017. Energy retrofits in historic and traditional buildings: A review of problems and methods. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 77, 748-759. 

Whitman, C. 2017. The distribution of historic timber-framed buildings in the UK and the impacts of their low energy retrofit. PhD, Cardiff University. 

Yarrow, T. 2016. Negotiating Heritage and Energy Conservation: An Ethnography of Domestic Renovation. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 7, 4, 340-351.