
Amino Acid Racemitization (AAR)a method of estimating the age of fossils based on the time elapsed since amino acid molecules formed post-mortem
Biostratigraphythe organisation of strata according to fossil material
Chronostratigraphythe organisation of strata according to absolute age
Deposit/sedimentform through the accumulation or deposition of minerals and organic material
Diatomssingle cell algae that has a cell wall made of silica that is often preserved in deposits/sediments
Dinoflagellate cystssingle celled algae that live in marine and freshwater environments, their cysts are often preserved in deposits/sediments
Foraminiferasingle celled organisms that live in marine environments that build a shell that is often preserved in deposits/sediments
Geological periodan interval of time defined by the geological history of the Earth
Geological epochgeological periods are subdivided into epochs, which are periods of time defined by the geological history of the earth
Geological sub-epochgeological epochs are subdivided into sub-epochs, which are periods of time defined by the geological history of the earth
Glacio-isostatic Adjustment (GIA)the movement of landing response to loading by ice during glacial periods
GlaciolacustrineSediments laid down in a lake under or in front of an ice sheet
Glaciotectonisedwhen sediments are deformed by processes occurring in and around ice sheets
Infrared Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL)a method for determining the age of deposits/sediments by measuring the luminescence properties after stimulation by infrared light in relation to amount of radiation the material has received in the natural environment
kathousands of years
Lithologythe physical characteristics of deposits/sediments (strata)
Lithostratigraphythe organisation of strata according to lithology
Marine Isotope Stage (MIS)an interval of time defines by the Earths palaeoclimatic record determined from marine isotope records
Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL)a method for determining the age of deposits/sediments by measuring the luminescence properties after stimulation by UV-light in relation to amount of radiation the material has received in the natural environment
Palaeo-secular variation (PSV)changes in the Earths geomagnetic field through time which if measured in deposits/sediments can be indicative of age
Penecontemporaneousdeposition occurred immediately after deposition of another strata
Sea-level index points (SLIPs)Evidence from a variety of sources (e.g. sedimentary, fossil, chemical) that define the elevation of past relative sea level at a specific point in time
Seismostratigraphythe organisation of strata according to the characteristics of seismic data
Strataa layer of deposits/sediment
Stratigraphythe relative order of different strata
Subaeriallyexisting or formed in the open air, not underwater
Sub-fossilpart of a dead organism that is partly fossilised
PalaeoclimatePast climate
Post IR IRSLa specific experimental technique used in infrared stimulated luminescence dating

Image credit: Aurochsen, Wessex Archaeology CC BY-NC 2.0

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