All research frameworks now have a generic login/registration, this is linked from the individual website and is administered centrally.
Users can register/login via the main site and are approved by a Super Admin. Once registered they are above to comment on all Frameworks; regardless of which Framework they originally registered from.
Users can now comment on all Frameworks across the network, but all comments need to be moderated by the regional team (where a regional team is not currently active, this will be done by the Framework team at Historic England or ScARF).
Ensure that any pages on your Framework which users may wish to comment on have comments enabled (you can see how to do this here).
When comments are added to a page they will appear in the Dashboard and can be accessed via the Comment tab on the left-hand menu.
In the example above a comment has been written on the Prehistory page of the Framework. The system records the username and email address of the comment author, a preview of the comment, which page it is related to and when it was submitted.
By rolling the cursor over the comment a menu of options will appear.
You can choose to deal with a comment as necessary, depending on your workflow for comments. Previously approved comments can also be unapproved here.
Once approved, the comment will appear on the page where it was added, next to the paragraph which was commented on.
To view a comment on a page, click on the small black speech bubble with a number in it to open the dialogue box. Others can also respond to the comment.
The image below shows a suggested workflow for dealing with comments.
If you would like to add users with admin or editing rights to your Framework, this is done in the Dashboard, by selecting the Users tab on the left hand menu.
Clicking on Users will open a table of all the users for your site, their username, email and role.
To add a new member click on Add New at the top of the page, or select Add New from the Users tab on the left hand menu. The first option on the page is to add an existing member, if the person you wish to give Admin or Editing rights to is already a subscriber you can enter their email address here to find them, and then change their Role.
If you are adding a completely new person, who is not yet registered, scroll down and enter their details.
You will need to create a username (usually their first and last name), enter their email address, and choose the role.
Adding a user will automatically send that user an email informing them of their new role (which may go to their spam folder). To avoid sending the email, tick the Skip Confirmation email box.
How you deal with comments will depend on your workflow for reviewing your Research Framework, the diagram below is an example work flow diagram for this process. It is best to agree this process early on.