
Appendix 1 The consultation process


March 1998: initial meeting to discuss how a research agenda should be formulated

November 1998: launch of archive gazetteers and general discussion of format of research agenda May–October 1999: period seminars: early prehistory, later prehistory, Roman, Saxon, medieval and post-medieval

August 2000: consultation on first draft

Greater London Research framework consultees

Peter Addyman                   York Archaeological Trust

David Andrews                    Essex County Council

Gill Andrews                       Archaeological consultant

Nick Ashton                        British Museum

Grenville Astill                     University of Reading

Rose Baillie                          City of London Archaeological Society

Ellen Barnes                        formerly English Heritage

John Barrett                         University of Sheffield

Caroline Barron                   Department of History, Royal Holloway

Nick Bateman                      Museum of London Archaeology Service

Martin Bates                        University of Lampeter

Justine Bayley                      English Heritage

Martin Biddle                      University of Oxford

David Bird                           Surrey County Council

Joanna Bird                         Freelance Roman finds specialist

Lyn Blackmore                    Museum of London Specialist Services

Philippa Bradley                 Museum of London Specialist Services

Richard Bradley                  University of Reading

Duncan Brown                    Southampton Museums

Gary Brown                         Pre-Construct Archaeology

Nigel Brown                        Essex County Council

Stewart Bryant                     Hertfordshire County Council

David Buckley                      Essex County Council

Paul Chadwick                     CgMs Ltd

Tim Champion                    University of Southampton

John Cherry                         British Museum

John Clark                           Museum of London Early Department

Mike Corfield                      English Heritage

Jon Cotton                          Museum of London Early Department

Paul Courtney                     Archaeological consultant

Robert Cowie                      Museum of London Archaeology Service

David Cranstone                 Archaeological consultant

Alan Crocker                       Surrey Archaeological Society

Sue Davies                          Wessex Archaeology

Michael Fulford                   University of Reading

David Gaimster                   British Museum

Julie Gardiner                      Wessex Archaeology

Sarah Gibson                       Archaeology and Planning Officer, Southwark

Roberta Gilchrist                  University of Reading

Kenneth Grabett                  President, Kent Archaeological Society (deceased)

David Graham     Surrey Archaeological Society

James Graham-Campbell Institute of Archaeology, University of London

Pamela Greenwood Archaeological consultant

Clare Halpin                        Hertfordshire Archaeological Trust

Guy Halsall                          Birkbeck College

Vanessa Harding                  Birkbeck College

Mark Hassall                        Institute of Archaeology, University of London

Ian Haynes                          Birkbeck College

Peter Hinton                        Institute of Field Archaeologists

Edward Impey                     Historic Royal Palaces

David Jennings                    Oxford Archaeology

Matthew Johnson                Durham University

Derek Keene                        Centre for Metropolitan History

Graham Keevill                    Freelance archaeologist

George Lambrick Council for British Archaeology

Andrew Lawson Wessex Archaeology

Tony Legge                         Birkbeck College

John Lewis                          Wessex Archaeology

Ellen McAdam formerly Museum of London Specialist Services

Scott McCracken Standing Conference on London Archaeology

Gordon Malcolm Museum of London Archaeology Service

John Maloney                      AOC Archaeology

Nick Merriman Institute of Archaeology, University of London

David Miles English Heritage

Janet Miller                          WS Atkins

Martin Millett                      University of Cambridge

Gustav Milne                       Institute of Archaeology, University of London

Audrey Monk Surrey Archaeological Society

David Morgan Evans Society of Antiquaries

Julian Munby                       Oxford Archaeology

Stuart Needham                   British Museum

Janet Nelson                        King’s College

Taryn Nixon                        Museum of London Archaeology Service

Adrian Olivier                      English Heritage

Clive Orton                         Institute of Archaeology, University of London

Janet Owen                         Society of Museum Archaeologists

Sebastian Payne                   English Heritage

Jacqui Pearce                       Museum of London Specialist Services

Dominic Perring                  University Of York

Geoff Perry                          Sutton Archaeological Services

Stephen Porter                     English Heritage

James Rackham Environmental Archaeology Consultant

Peter Rauxloh Museum of London Archaeology Service

Louise Rayner Museum of London Specialist Services

Richard Reece Institute of Archaeology, University of London

Julian Richards Archaeology Data Service

Steve Roskams                     University of York

Peter Rowsome                   Museum of London Archaeology Service

Tim Schadla-Hall Institute of Archaeology, University of London

John Schofield City of London Archaeological Trust

Chris Scull                           English Heritage

Harvey Sheldon London and Middlesex Archaeology Society

Steve Shennan Institute of Archaeology, University of London

John Shepherd Museum of London Archaeological Archive

Jane Sidell Institute of Archaeology, University of London

Barney Sloane                     Museum of London Archaeology Service

Denis Smith                         Greater London Industrial Archaeology Society

Craig Spence                        Goldsmiths College

Kathryn Stubbs                    Senior Planning and Archaeology Officer, City of London

Hedley Swain                       Museum of London Early Department

Fiona Talbot                         SEMS

Roger Thomas                     English Heritage

Roberta Tomber                   Museum of London Specialist Services

Dennis Turner                      Surrey Archaeological Society

Alan Tyler                            Bromley Museum

Peter Ucko                          Institute of Archaeology, University of London

Alan Vince                            Archaeological consultant

Angela Wardle                      Museum of London Specialist Services

Francis Wenban-Smith         University of Southampton

Ken Whittaker                     Giffords

Rob Whytehead                   Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service

John Williams            Kent County Council

Tim Williams                       English Heritage

John Wymer                        Archaeological consultant

Appendix 2 Summary list of major research themes

Topography and landscapes

  • Ecology and geomorphology
  • Hydrology – river systems as barriers, links and resources
  • Cognitive landscapes
  • Climate


  • Settlement patterns and hierarchies
  • London in its hinterland – core / periphery models and regionality
  • Infrastructure
  • Defences
  • Buildings
  • Material culture studies


  • Production
  • Distribution
  • Consumption
  • Material culture studies

People and society

  • Regionality
  • Cultural and social property
  • Identity – ethnicity and social status
  • Demography, death and disease
  • Ideology, cult and religion
  • Recreation
  • Material culture studies

Continuity and change

  • Chronologies
  • Transition periods
  • Catastrophe and upheaval
  • Material culture studies

Appendix 3 Summary of strategic objectives

The objectives described above are summarised as follows:

  1. Obtain support among contributors and users for a twofold strategy which aims:
    • to provide an opportunity for guiding, and potentially integrating, large numbers of research programmes and projects while providing cohesion and opportunity; and to acknowledge and measure London’s cultural diversity during the past and present, and to find ways of illuminating the present by demonstrating how modern London has grown out of and is linked to the past and how past landscapes will continue to mould the future.
  2. Conduct a wide-ranging ‘research audit’ involving all London archaeology’s users; publicise the findings (ie the nature of research themes and questions already being addressed); and, with reference to the priorities identified in this Research framework document, identify and encourage opportunities for partnership and collaboration.
  3. Archive Access Enhancement: complete the first stage of the ‘minimum standards project’; commence and complete the second stage – digitising and making available on the Internet the summary data on each archive.
  4. Link London archive data to Sites and Monuments Record data and make it publicly accessible.
  5. Develop plans for a map-based interface (using GIS) to all sites represented in the LAARC, and for setting in place the infrastructure to enable archive data to be accessed and interrogated using the two extant databases Oracle and MultiMimsy.
  6. Consider the need to integrate data from standing building recording work.
  7. Consider the implications of web-based archives for publication of archaeology by various bodies.
  8. Devise a prioritised programme for publishing primary data ‘site narratives’, based on replacing the maxim ‘preservation by record’ with ‘preservation by publication’; make these available digitally.
  9. Consider the merits of a pan-London ICT project to trace and index material from excavations in London not housed in the LAARC.
  10. Provide a focus for promoting major research themes and priorities, enabling new research to contribute to a collective effort. Publish an annual summary of research in London archaeology, both on paper and the Internet.
  11. Develop (using the web) an interactive research forum, which allows enquiry and discussion, as well as (in light of above actions) data access and interrogation.
  12. Promote conferences and seminars to examine major research themes and priorities, and facilitate the periodic republication of the Research framework itself.
  13. Create, publish and disseminate a series of ‘Research matters’ bulletins to develop particular themes, research questions, or methods, and to share results and lessons learned.
  14. Keep archive deposition standards under regular review.
  15. Promote exhibitions, ‘outsites’, workshops and dayschools that present new ways for people to find out about and study London’s past, and that make archaeology relevant to today and tomorrow.

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