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Wright, D. 2000. Come Rain, Come Shine – The Langtoft Floods in Aspects of York’s Coast. Discovering Local History 2. WYAS.

Wrathmell, S. 2003. Regional Frameworks for Medieval Rural Settlement. Yorkshire Archaeological Society Journal. Occasional Paper No.3, 363 – 368.

The Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Journal. 2018. A list of articles published in the Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 1870- 2010. London:

  • Vol 1. Flints in the Wolds.
  • Vol 14. Pocklington Church. 
  • Vol 16. East Riding Churches.
  • Vol 17. Pocklington Grammar School.  
  • Vol 19. Chariot Burial at Hunmanby.
  • Vol 21. Sculptures at Weaverthorpe Barrows.
  • Vol 23. Sculpture in the East Riding.
  • Vol 24. Carved Stone by Kirby Underdale.
  • Vol 25. Pocklington School.
  • Vol 31. Anlaby; Warter Priory; Iron Age finds; Rudston villa.
  • Vol 32. Bygod Settrington; Roman Rudston; Roman Yorkshire.
  • Vol 33. Roman Rudston; Roman Yorkshire.
  • Vol 34. Excavations at Eastburn; Roman Yorkshire.
  • Vol 35. Roman Yorkshire: Flamborough, Pocklington.
  • Vol 36. 16th century farming in Yorkshire.
  • Vol 37. Glebe terriers and open field Yorkshire.
  • Vol 38.  Fox earth Bishop Burton; Bronze Age finds; Land and oxgangs in East Riding.
  • Vol 39. Medieval moat at Anlaby; Excavation at Staxton; Finds; Neolithic pot; Neolithic Driffield; Roman Yorkshire.
  • Vol 40. Agriculture of East Riding before enclosure; Cottingham church; Excavations at Staxton; Iron Age Driffield.
  • Vol 41. Anglian Cemetery Garton; Beacon Hill, Flamborough Head; Anglian Cemetery Londesborough; Yorkshire Farmer; Park Landscapes of the East Riding.
  • Vol 42. Aspects of 13-14th Century Arable Farming on Wolds and Early Bronze Age Timber Graves in Wolds.
  • Vol 44. East Riding chantries; Development of York’s estates; Excavation at Weaverthorpe Manor; Langton villa.
  • Vol 45. Search for coal on the Wolds.
  • Vol 46. Wharram Percy; Round barrows at Etton Wold; Low Caythorpe Manor.
  • Vol 47. Neolithic Occupation Sites.
  • Vol 51. Bronze Age Burials at Wetwang Slack; Neolithic finds at Pocklington.
  • Vol 52. Barrows at Grindale and Boynton; Parish of Warter; Anglo-Saxon Cremation Cemetery at Sancton; Duggleby Howe.
  • Vol 53. Flamborough beaker; Tumuli Thixendale; Effigy Welton.
  • Vol 54. Farming in the Wolds.
  • Vol 58. Iron Age barrows at Cowlam.
  • Vol 60. Excavation at Burton Agnes; Flamborough medieval harbour; Anglo-Saxon sword at Acklam; Politics and agriculture in East Riding.
  • Vol 61. Cat Babbleton Farm, Ganton.
  • Vol 62. Early Bronze Age Settrington; Roman coins Hayton; Anglian site on Wolds; Fieldwork in Cottam and Cowlam; Weaverthorpe; Pocklington.
  • Vol 64. Anglian Site on Wolds, Medieval Pot Industries at Staxton and Potter Brompton.
  • Vol 66. Further Saxon finds from Wolds; Cottam Evaluation; Excavation at Sherburn; Mesolithic Axe found in the Wolds.
  • Vol 68. Anglo-Saxon site on the Wolds; Reclamation of the Wolds; flint axe.
  • Vol 69. Knapton Excavation.
  • Vol 70. Development of Wolds farmstead.
  • Vol 71. Birdsall manor; Iron Age – Romano-British settlement Melton.
  • Vol 78. Burythorpe church excavation; Roman Norton.
  • Vol 79. Dynamics of human activity and landscape processes Cowlam.
  • Vol 80. Duggleby Howe burial.
  • Vol 81. Iron Age – Romano-British settlement Bridlington; Yorkshire estates and mineral exploitation.
  •  Vol 82. Neolithic settlement Hayton.

Magazine Articles  

Dalesman. 1979. Harvesting on York’s Wolds. Archives and Local History Journal. Dalesman, 41.

Dalesman. 1980. Farming in the Yorkshire Wolds. Archives and Local History Journal. Dalesman, 42.

Halkon, P., Millett, M. 2000. Foulness-Valley of the First Iron Masters. In Selkirk, A. (ed) Current Archaeology 169, 20-29.

Halkon, P., Millett, M. 2003. East Riding: An Iron Age and Roman landscape revealed. Current Archaeology 187, 303-309.

The Northern Farmer. 2018. The Voice of Farming in the North, Farmers Newspaper. July 2018.

Yorkshire Riding Magazine. 1971. Driffield: Proud and Progressive.


2017. Beverley Food Festival Guide. Beverley Town Council.

1978. East Yorkshire Rambles. East Yorkshire and Derwent Area of Association of ramblers.

English Heritage, 2004. Farming the Historic Landscape: Caring for Archaeological Sites on arable land.  DEFRA.

English Heritage, 2004. Farming the Historic Landscape: Caring for Archaeological sites in grassland. DEFRA.

English Heritage, 2004. Farming the Historic Landscape: Caring for Farm Buildings. DEFRA.

English Heritage, 2005. Farming the Historic Landscape: Caring for Historic Parkland. DEFRA.

English Heritage, 2005. Farming the Historic Landscape: An Introduction for Farm Advisers.  DEFRA.

2007. Letters from America: Nineteenth Century Emigrants writing home to Yorkshire. Place: York St Johns University.

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