This project was coordinated by the University of Southampton’s Centre for Maritime Archaeology and supported by English Heritage through the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF). However, the project was undertaken, and this research agenda written, by a large group of academics and
practitioners working in coastal, maritime, and marine archaeology who contributed both their time and expertise without recompense. In particular, the following individuals have contributed significant amounts of their time, energy, and knowledge, as working group chairs and lead-authors:
Jon Adams
Geoff Bailey
Martin Bell
Duncan Brown
Martin Carver
Virginia Dellino-Musgrave
Justin Dix
Joe Flatman
J D Hill
Christopher Loveluck
Jane Maddocks
Dave Parham #Jesse Ransley
Julie Satchell
Fraser Sturt
Robert Van de Noort
Michael Walsh
Graeme Warren
Kieran Westley
Steve Willis
In addition, the following people contributed time, text, and expertise to the working groups and as critical friends:
Dan Atkinson, Martin Bates, Mark Beattie-Edwards, Paul Bidwell, Jan Bill, Andy Brockman, Alan Brodie, Stuart Brookes, Kevin Camidge, Adrian Chadwick, Wendy Childs, Hannah Cobb, Vikki Cummings, Robin Daniels, Gareth Davies, William Davies, Helen Doe, Mark Dunkley, Mike Eddy, James Ellis Jones, Mike Evans, Christopher Ferguson, David Field, Antony Firth, Simon Fitch, Andrew Fitzpatrick, Nic Flemming, Ian Friel, Vince Gaffney, David Gaimster, Duncan Garrow, Helen Geake, Phil Gibbard, Colum Giles, Richard Gorski, Gerald Grainge, Jon Gribble, David Griffiths, Alex Hale, Colin Haselgrove, Jon Henderson, David Hinton, Rob Hosfield, Gillian Hutchinson, Matthew Johnson, Angela Karsten, Helen Keeley, Gordon Le Pard, Rebecca Loader, Alison Locker, Antony J Long, Colin Martin, Craig Martin, Paula Martin, Duncan McAndrew, Thomas McErlean, Sean McGrail, Robert McWilliam, Martin Millett, Gustav Milne, Nicky Milner, Garry Momber, Alison Moore, Elaine Morris, Peter Murphy, Nigel Nayling, Aidan O’Sullivan, Edward Oakley, Ian Oxley, Rodrigo Pacheco-Ruiz, Ian Panter, Toby Parker, David Peacock, Andy Pearson, Kristian Pedersen, David Pelteret, Hans Peeters, Kathy Perrin, Jeff Sanders, Rick J Schulting, Graham Scott, Niall Sharples, Paul Simpson, Penny Spikins, Mike Stammers, Mark Redknap, Susan Rose, Mark Russell, Roberta Tomber, Imogen Tompsett, David Tomalin, Dries Tys, Gareth Watkins, Julian Whitewright, Eileen Wilkes, Tom Williamson, Peter Wilson, Valerie Wilson.
Finally, particular thanks must also go to Will Foster for producing the majority of the volume’s many illustrations, and Catrina Appleby at the Council for British Archaeology for her patience and guidance during the publication process.