Research Strategy


Up to six Strategic Objectives has been defined for each Agenda Theme, based upon discussions between attendees of the several stakeholder Strategy Workshops. Each Strategic Objective text comprises a summary description and supporting references, following broadly the template that was devised for the East Midlands Historic Environment Research Framework. It is hoped that this format will provide for each Strategic Objective a concise and readily accessible source of information that will assist further research and facilitate funding applications by stakeholders.

Thanks are extended to the many stakeholders who have contributed to the Strategic Objective summaries. The authors of each Objective are noted on the relevant page, together with those subject specialists who reviewed the contributions to each Agenda Theme prior to final editing. All Objective texts were also submitted to members of the project Steering Group and the DVMWHS Learning and Research Panel for their comments prior to revision by the volume editor in liaison with each of the authors. The specialist knowledge of all contributors has helped immeasurably in the preparation of this research framework, which as shown by the following list has enjoyed engagement with independent researchers and representatives of a wide range of organisations in the Derwent Valley and beyond.

Strategic Objectives Theme 1: Changing Interpretations of the Derwent Valley Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objectives Theme 2: Industry, Trade and Settlement before the Factory System Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objectives Theme 3: The Enlightenment Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objectives Theme 4: The Low-carbon Industrial Revolution

Strategic Objectives Theme 5: Industrial Metamorphosis: the 19th to 21st Centuries Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objectives Theme 6: The Factory-Owners, Landed Gentry and Middle Classes Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objectives Theme 7: The Urban and Rural Labour Force Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objectives Theme 8: Transport, Power and Public Utilities Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objectives Theme 9: The Built Environment Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objectives Theme 10: Landscapes and Environment Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objectives Theme 11: National and Global Impacts Strategic Objectives

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