The military sections of Chapter 14 contain a large number of abbreviations and acronyms; only those used more than once or not explained in close proximity are included here.
AA | Automobile Association or Anti-Aircraft (artillery). | |
ADP | Automatic Data Processing. | |
ALGAO | The Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers. | |
AMS | Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. A method of radiocarbon dating technique which directly measures the ratio of 14C to 12C rather than measuring the radioactivity of 14C . | |
AONB | Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. A planning designation with some of the attributes of a National Park. | |
BB1 | Black Burnished Ware type 1. A Roman pottery style produced in the Poole Harbour area and elsewhere in the South West (South-Western BB1). | |
BBC | British Broadcasting Corporation. | |
BGS | British Geological Survey. | |
BT | British Telecom. The privatised GPO. | |
BVD | Base Vehicle Depot. | |
CBA | Council for British Archaeology. | |
CRAAGS | The Committee for Rescue Archaeology in Avon, Gloucestershire and Somerset. An excavation unit funded by central government and active in the 1970s. | |
DOB | Defence of Britain Project, a national project of volunteer recording of defence sites. The results were incorporated into an online database (DOB 2002) but this is not updated. | |
EH | English Heritage. | |
EUP | Early Upper Palaeolithic. | |
EUS | Extensive Urban Survey. See Section 1.2.4 on page 11. | |
FM | Frequency Modulation (of radio signals). | |
GCHQ | Government Communications Headquarters. | |
GCI | Ground Controlled Interception. Radar used to guide fighter aircraft to their target. | |
GPO | General Post-Office. The UK postal and telecommunications authority until privatisation. See BT. | |
GWR | Great Western Railway. | |
HEATH | Heathland, Environment, Agriculture, Tourism and Heritage. A project by Cornwall County Council to improve management and understanding of the heaths of West Cornwall. | |
HER | Historic Environment Record, see Section 1.2.5 on page 15. | |
HF | High Frequency (radio transmissions). | |
HM | Her/His Majesty’s. | |
HMS | Her/His Majesty’s Ship. Also used for naval shore stations. | |
HQ | Headquarters. | |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. | |
LBK | Linearbandkeramik. An early European Neolithic pottey style and associated culture. | |
LGM | Last Glacial Maximum. | |
LNEBA | Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age. | |
LUP | Late Upper Palaeolitic. | |
MARISP | Monuments at Risk in Somerset Peatlands. A project to assess the current condition of known wooden structures in the peat. | |
MHD | Military Home Defence. | |
MLA | Museums, Libraries and Archives Council. | |
MPP | The Monuments Protection Programme. An English Heritage programme to identify sites and monuments for statutory protection. Some types (such as industrial monuments) were covered thematically in a series of “Step” reports, proceeding from the general to recommendations for individual monuments. Reaction to intended changes in heritage protection legislation has led to the demise of the programme in an incomplete state. | |
MPRG | Medieval Pottery Research Group. | |
NAAFI | Navy, Army and Air Force Institute. Providing food and refreshments to the forces. | |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. | |
OD | Ordnance Datum (mean sea level at Newlyn) | |
OIS | Oxygen Isotope Stage. Divisions based on the ratio of oxygen isotopes preserved in deep ice cores which indicate periods of global cooling and warming. Glacial stages are even-numbered. | |
OS | Ordnance Survey. The national mapping agency of Britain. | |
OSL | Optically Stimulated Luminescence. A technique for dating when particles of sediment were last exposed to light. | |
PHEW | Institution of Civil Engineers Panel for Historic Engineering Works | |
POW | Prisoner of War. | |
PPG | Planning Policy Guidance. Principally those relating to archaeology (PPG 16, DoE 1990) and the historic environment (PPG 15, DoE 1994). | |
SANHS | Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society | |
SWALGAO | South West ALGAO (see above). | |
RAC | Royal Automobile Club. | |
RAE | Royal Aircraft Establishment. | |
RAF | Royal Air Force. | |
RAFVR | Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. | |
RCAHMS | Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. | |
RCHME | Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. Now part of English Heritage. | |
RIB | Roman Inscriptions in Britain. A published catalogue (Collingwood and Wright 1965). | |
RN | Royal Navy or Royal Naval. | |
RNAS | Royal Naval Air Station. | |
ROC | Royal Observer Corps. | |
SPMA | Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology. | |
TA | Territorial Army. A reserve force. | |
TL | Thermoluminescence. A technique for dating when certain minerals (often in pottery) were last exposed to high temperatures. | |
TV | Television. | |
UBSS | University of Bristol Spelaeological Society | |
USAAF | United States Army Air Force. | |
VHF | Very High Frequency (radio transmissions). | |
XRF | X-Ray flourescence. An analyitical technique for identifying the elemental composition of an object. | |
YMCA | Young Men’s Christian Association. A charitable organisation which also provided recreational facilities for soldiers. | |
YWCA | Young Women’s Christian Association. |