Table Test


Overarching themesPalaeolithicMesolithicNeolithic to MBALBA and Iron AgeRomano-BritishEarly MedievalHigh MedievalPoat MedievalModern
Pleistocene and Holocene climatic change  (as evidenced, for example, by palaeochannel deposits)
Potential impact of future climate change upon the environment and the historic environment resource
Changes in sea level, the configuration of sea and land, the drainage network and the spatial extent of wetlands
Submergence of Doggerland
The impact of human activity upon woodland clearance and other changes in the regional vegetation
The impact of human activity upon soil development and geomorphic processes (notably alluviation, colluviation and aeolian deposition)
Exploitation and settlement of diverse ecological zones (including study of the pivotal highland–lowland contrast)


Overarching themesPalaeolithicMesolithicNeolithic to MBALBA and Iron AgeRomano-BritishEarly MedievalHigh MedievalPost-MedievalModern
Distribution, density and character of hunter-gatherer cave and open sites
Development of agriculturally-based settlement patterns
Growth of urban centres and settlement hierarchies
Relationship between town and country
Vernacular building traditions

Food procurement strategies

Overarching themesPalaeolithicMesolithicNeolithic to MBALBA and Iron AgeRomano-BritishEarly MedievalHigh MedievalPost-MedievalModern
Hunter-gatherer subsistence strategies and mobility patterns
Transition from hunter-gatherer to agricultural subsistence strategies
Developments in crop and animal husbandry and changes in diet and health
The Agricultural Revolution and the industrialisation of agriculture

The Rural Landscape

Overarching themesPalaeolithicMesolithicNeolithic to MBALBA and Iron AgeRomano-BritishEarly MedievalHigh MedievalPost-MedievalModern
The development of fields and field systems
The development of parks, gardens and estates
Systems of woodland management
Development of monastic estates and post-Dissolution developments

Industry, Craft and Trade

Overarching themesPalaeolithicMesolithicNeolithic to MBALBA and Iron AgeRomano-BritishEarly MedievalHigh MedievalPost-MedievalModern
Systems of artefact production and exchange (lithics, pottery, metals, etc)
The origins and development of the Industrial Revolution
Environmental impacts of industrialisation
Industrial building traditions


Overarching themesPalaeolithicMesolithicNeolithic to MBALBA and Iron AgeRomano-BritishEarly MedievalHigh MedievalPost-MedievalModern
The role of rivers as movement corridors, sources of power and socio-political boundaries
The role of coastwise routeways
Constructed routeways: wooden or brushwood trackways, roads, canals, tramways and railways
Riverine and maritime waterborne transport

Social, religious and political structures

Overarching themesPalaeolithicMesolithicNeolithic to MBALBA and Iron AgeRomano-BritishEarly MedievalHigh MedievalPost-MedievalModern
Development of prehistoric monument complexes
Development of funerary monuments and changing burial and memorial practices
Development and use of defended sites (hillforts, castles, etc)
Battlefield and skirmish sites
Development of territorial and administrative (e.g. parish) boundaries
Social and religious building traditions